Imaginations Soar In Animated Short Called The Flight

(Video Link)

Everyone has dreamed of visiting a flying city or castle in the sky, right? Okay, maybe not if you’re an acrophobe or you’re allergic to clouds, but even people who fit in those groups can agree floating structures in the sky, all shiny and full of fantastic potential, seem like a pretty cool place to let your imagination soar.

That’s exactly how Inbal Breda’s animated short The Flight makes you feel- like you’re watching imagination take flight, into a mythical city in the sky full of mysteries and unknown history.

The fact that the characters don’t talk does seem a bit odd at times, but overall this student film, which Inbal created as her graduation film for Bezalel Academy, is one mighty big feat of imaginative storytelling and well worth five minutes of your time.

Via io9

How about a Oscar nom for best Animated Short Film! Somebody hire this lady to make this into a full length movie.

Neato- can we have links to all the Oscar nom animated shorts when they come out?
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