Fans of retro animation such as School House Rocks!, The Peanuts and the shorts featured on 70s kids shows such Sesame Street and Electric Company will simply adore this short by Priit Pärn, and those looking for a slick CGI short to watch will simply have to move on.
Exercises in Preparation for an Independent Life is a hand drawn vintage masterpiece, with a surreal charm that juxtaposes crudely drawn scenes of childhood with repetitious, almost frightening scenes of adulthood that can only be described as Plymptonian, aka a lot like something you’d see in a Bill Plympton short.
And that’s all in the first minute of the short, you’ll have to watch on to find the message which is there, begging for you to find it after you to get past the initial “wait, what just happened?” feeling.
Via Cartoon Brew