Archive for January 6th, 2014

Reminder: Ewoks Eat People

[](Video Link)Ewoks are little teddy bears, right? People think of these creatures from Return of the Jedi as adorable, furry little friends. Shoot, we even sell Ewok pl...

Enjoy Louis Armstrong's Recipe For Ham Hocks And Red Beans

You know him as the voice of early Jazz, some called him Satchmo while others simply referred to him as Pops. Louis Armstrong was the charming and ridiculously talented Ambassador of the early Jazz scene, the performer o...

Star Wars Wedding Rings

Would you like to have a marriage filled with rancor? Then maybe you should get a wedding ring shaped like one. These are 2 of several ring designs by J.A.P., a Japanese design firm. Others show Darth Va...

Coonrippy is Running for Governor

[] (YouTube link)Mark "Coonrippy" Brown achieved internet fame by dancing with a raccoon and advertising raccoon repellent, among other videos. That success brought its own problems, when Tenne...

The Coolest Animal Stories From Last Year

I don't know about you guys, but I love animals and great stories about them. If you just can't get enough great animal stories, then you really shouldn't miss out on this list of the best animal stories from the last ye...

Why New York State Legally Recognizes Haunted Houses

(Image: Columbia Pictures)In 1990, Helen Ackley put her lovely old home in Nyack, New York up for sale. Patrice and Jeffrey Stambovsky bought it. Then they learned something disturbing about the house: it was haunted.The...

Google Maps Glitches As Digital Art

There’s a fine line between an annoying digital image glitch and one which transforms the image into something else entirely, a happy accident of unintentional creation that is extremely difficult to replicate.Goog...

Lighting a Cigarette Russian Style

[] (YouTube link)You've got to really trust the guy in the excavator to just sit there and let him bring the bucket that close -especially when it's carrying fire! But the whole crew knows how...

Mountain Dew Flavored Cheetos

Like pork rinds and loneliness, Mountain Dew and Cheetos are two flavors that just naturally belong together. Frito Lay and PepsiCo have now joined forces to accelerate your journey of self-loathing. Fri...

Big Box from Amazon

What is this all about? Redditor listrophy spotted an Amazon delivery across the street that seems a little …large. Of course, knowing how Amazon sometimes uses excessive packaging, several commen...

Cats in Space with Inspirational Quotes

According to pseudoscience, today is Blue Monday: the most depressing day of the year. That's because many people are returning to work after a long Christmas vacation. Do you need an emotional pick up? Certainly sugar-f...

Winner Gold Medal Bottle Opener

Winner Gold Medal Bottle OpenerYou have been training rigorously for the winter games. No one watches more trials than you. Bask in your glory. You are now a bottle opening, couch sitting, television watching champ. Now...

Who Would Play You in a Movie?

A quiz from UsVsTh3m finds the Hollywood actor/actress who would be best suited to play you in a movie about your life. Would it be an action film, a comedy, or a romance? The answers are up to you. I answered all the qu...

Haunting Landscape Photo Series Inspired By The Brothers Grimm

(Images via Kilian Schönberger)Peruse this photo series by German photographer Kilian Schönberger and you’ll see why the Brothers Grimm were inspired to set their dark and creepy fairy tales in Middle Eur...

Whiskey Sriracha Caramel Corn

Spicy, sweet and savory, this amazing caramel corn by Olives for Dinner combines some of our favorite flavors -booze, sugary goodness and Sriracha. Well, almost all of our favorite is missing Nutella and bac...

Snow Shark

[] (YouTube link)Teenagers Austin, Connor, and Trevor Bartz of New Brighton, Minnesota, built this giant snow shark in their front yard. It took 95 hours of work to complete it, and they even i...

New World Record for the Longest Scarf Knitted While Running a Marathon

(Photo: Jim Barcus/Kansas City Star)How long a scarf could you knit while running a full marathon? For David Babcock, it's 12 feet, 1 and 3/4 inches long. He set this record in October in Kansas Cit...

WCTU Drinking Fountains

The Women's Christian Temperance Union used many different tactics to curb alcohol consumption in the decades before Prohibition. One of those tactics made some kind of sense: providing public drinking fountains so that...

Animated Short- Exercises In Preparation For An Independent Life

(Video Link)Fans of retro animation such as School House Rocks!, The Peanuts and the shorts featured on 70s kids shows such Sesame Street and Electric Company will simply a...

Whodunit: The Disabled Lookout

The following is a Whodunit by Hy Conrad featuring Jonah Bixby, a twelve-year-old crime solver and son of a police detective. Can you solve the crime?[moreless more_text="Meet Jonah Bixby" less_text="Close Int...

The Universe Is in Us

By altering images from NASA, ESA and the Hubble Heritage Team, Tahar Abroudjameur created this stunning image of swirling stars and nebulae. He calls it The Universe Is in Us.astronomy, digital...

Symmetry: A Palindromic Film

[] (vimeo link)The short film Symmetry is a graduation project by the group Parachutes, written, directed, and edited by Yann Pineill. The second half of the movie is a complete reversal of the f...

This Cool Forest Home Was Built for $11,000

Admittedly, with the whole exterior bathroom thing, I'd rather live somewhere else on a regular basis, but I sure wouldn't mind traveling to Oregon's Cape Falcon Kayak to stay in this stunning Japanese House. The house w...

Amazing Video Of Hungary's Best Rope Skipping Team

(Video Link)Most people have tried their hand at jumping rope once or twice in their life, generally because they wanted to see what was such a big deal on the schoolyard, or because they were lured in by the s...

Don't Believe Everything You Hear

The following is an article from Uncle John's Fully Loaded 25th Anniversary Bathroom Reader. At the Bathroom Reader Institute, one of our goals is to make readers look at the world in a new way. After readin...

Neatolinks: Disney Princesses Always Entertain Us

How Did This Pelican Survive Getting Hit By 100 Shotgun Pellets? (io9)Disney Princesses Look Pretty Great in the Clothes of Their Men (Ogo Nkado)The Best Little Mermaid Cosplay Ever (Buzzfeed)Your Food Has Never Looked s...

Burrito Galaxy Lets You Wield Churros As Weapons In Outer Space

(Video Link)From the look of things 2014 is going to be one tripped out year for the video game industry, and indie games will be leading the pack in both strangeness and originality.Here’s an entry worth...

Spider-Man Thermal Lunch Tote

Spider-Man Thermal Lunch Tote (front and back shown)Are your spidey senses telling you that 2014 will be the year that you pack more sack lunches? Enlist the help of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man with the Spider-...

Amazing Driver Balances on 2 Wheels

[](Video Link)The stunt driver in this car has nerves of steel and a steady hand. Watch him take his car from a dead stop to driving in circles all while doing a side wheelie. Jo...

Experimental Animation Meets Pottery

(Video Link)Experimental animation and pottery may seem like two completely different artistic mediums from two totally different worlds, but when the Crafts Council was looking for an effective method of advertising the...


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