Archive for December 26th, 2013

The Scented Marker Challenge

[] (YouTube link)Tommy Edison (previously at Neatorama) takes a challenge: identify the colors of markers by their smell. Edison has been blind since birth, so he only knows colors by what he's...

The Cthulhu Christmas Tree

Sure, Christmas might be over and Santa Claus might have already visited the good girls and boys of the world, but Cthulhumas isn't here yet and Santa Cthulhu (or Cthulhuclaus as I like to call him) have yet to come arou...

20 Fun Facts About The Exorcist On Its 40th Birthday

Has it really been 40 years? Yes, the movie The Exorcist was released the day after Christmas in 1973. I can imagine that really brought people back down to earth after a jolly holiday. To celebrate the annivers...

Artists Turn Toilets Into Works Of Art To Benefit The Homeless

The Lava Mae project heard it said that modern art is going straight down the toilet, so for their new project to benefit the homeless they decided to take it literally and commissioned artists to turn toilets into works...

White Chocolate R2-D2 Sculpture

Fernando Arreola, pastry chef at the Fairmont San Jose, sculpted 150 pounds of white chocolate fondant into a replica of R2-D2! The work was inspired by the Star Wars Exposition at The Tech Museum of Innovation. See anot...

Nutella Cinnamon Rolls

The other day someone asked on the Neatorama Facebook if Nutella is the new bacon. I don't think they can be traded out for one another. In fact, you can even have Nutella and bacon together. Regardless of you opini...

I Liked You Better Deaf

[] (YouTube link)Dad has been hard of hearing for years, but he recently got hearing aids, and all of the sudden can hear everything that's going on. The big change was a little jarring for his...

Rainbow Reusable Tote Bag

Rainbow Reusable Tote BagAre you resolved to make 2014 the year that you remember to use your reusable grocery bags? Start the year off fresh with the Rainbow Reusable Tote Bag from the NeatoShop. This convenient reusabl...

Sculptures Of Humanoids Being Reclaimed By Nature

Man and nature must coexist for the sake of the planet, and as technology becomes more ingrained in our everyday lives some people are beginning to lose touch with the natural world.Japanese sculptor Ishibashi Yui knows...

What Is It? game 307

It's Thursday, so you know what it means, Neatoramanauts: it's time for the What Is It? Game, brought to you by the always amusing What Is It? Blog.What are these things in the pictures? Your guess can win you a free...

Dog Won't Let Her Owner Take A Drink

(Video Link)You know you have a drinking problem when your dog has begun to take actions to prevent you from taking another drink. Dogs don’t judge, but when their owner comes home tanked every night even...

Who Framed Roger Rabbit: The Inside Story

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook. Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a 1988 animated fantasy/comedy/fil...

The Best Cosplay of 2013

From clever to spooky to just plain spectacular, 2013 has been a great year for great cosplay. With all the end of the year round ups going around these days, it can be hard to keep track of them all, but this io...

Solomon and the Sudocreme

[] (YouTube link)Dad walks in to see that his toddler son Solomon found the diaper rash cream and had fun putting it on everything. I guess every kid does something like this at least once, but...

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