Mapping Your Dialect

Whoa! The New York Times has a 25-question survey that tries to discern where in the U.S. you live (or were raised) by how you pronounce words. They pegged me pretty good, as I live in the triangle plotted by the cities shown in the above map. Well, I actually live a little to the east, but there are no big cities there, and I did spend ten years in western Tennessee. The questions are based on the Harvard Dialect Survey. When you are through with the survey, you'll get a map like this, and three smaller maps showing which particular words were most instrumental in finding your home. How well did it find where you are from? -via Boing Boing

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I'm sittin' in Oklahoma City right now, just visitin' fer Chrissmiss, and sher enough, that dang ol' computer predicted that I'm around the Oklahoma City/Tulsa area. Guess that means I've binn here too long.
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It put me either in Newark or eastern Florida...neither of which accurately represents, in any sense, where I actually live. XD (In fact, I live in the deep Southwest.)
That said, I moved around almost constantly as a kid, and went to school in Missouri, so I've been exposed to so many dialects that I can use 'sunshower' and 'sneakers' on one hand, and then turn around and use 'y'all'.
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