This Week at Neatorama

It's been just over a week since Thanksgiving, and I'm surprised that all those leftovers are gone. The only thing that's left is the portion of turkey I put away in the freezer. Most of the family loves leftover turkey sandwiches. You can tell it's true: we normally take months to go through a jar of Miracle Whip, but went through an entire jar in one week after Thanksgiving. Now the kitchen has room for me to try out the recipes for Christmas candy, cakes, and cookies we post here! Is it cold where you live? You might want to stay inside this weekend and catch up with whatever you may have missed this week at Neatorama.

John Farier posted 11 Great Pieces of Exosquad Fan Art.

Eddie Deezen gave us a tribute to Oreos: The Greatest Cookie in the World.

Thanks for Nothing: The Story of Zero was from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.

The Annals of Improbable Research contibuted Missing Pieces Research Review.

Twin Peaks: A Shot in the Dark came from mental_floss magazine.

We had plenty of puzzles, riddles, and games this week. The Conceptis puzzle was Chain Sudoku. The Pzzlr was called Sprint. And the Whodunit was The Haunted Tree House.

The mystery object in the What Is It? game this week is an automobile valve spring compressor, according to the What Is It? blog. Y'all had much funnier answers, and two of them won t-shirts. MEM said "It's a pogo-stick for fence-sitters. It's for those times when you just don't want to overcome your ambivalence." Ha! And Steven Vredenburgh had a great answer:

This is an example of the "I've got your nose" device. 1340's Germany tradition held that the nose of a ginger child could cure the black plague. The "I've got your nose" device, pictured above, was used to gather the noses of these unfortunate children. Though the practice of harvesting noses soon died out, the idea lingered in the "I've got your nose" game that adults still play with children as a reminder of the horrors of the black plague.

We had a few polls. We asked how you ate Oreo cookies, and the biggest number of folks just eat them like any other cookie. Dunking them in milk was the second most popular method. You really do not want to see John grow a mustache that looks like a cat. And Jill wanted to know when was a good time for a snail facial, but neglected to offer the option of "none of the above." The most popular answer was at a christening.

The post with the most comments was Oreos: The Greatest Cookie in the World.

The comment of the week was from Patty O'Heater in the Obituary for the Letter E: "If a company cannot vn b bothrd to spll thir products or srvics corrctly, I don't trust thm and I will not us thm."

This week's most popular post was 10 Things You Never Noticed About The Wizard of Oz , with second place going to A Nutella Bar Exists, and Thanks for Nothing: The Story of Zero came in third.

The most ♥ed post was a tie between Dad Colors His Kids' Drawings and The Photo That Changed the Face of AIDS.

The most emailed post was Oreos: The Greatest Cookie in the World, which may have set some kind of record. That was followed by Don't Cross the Cat! and Dog in a Snow Maze.

The biggest post of the week on social media was A Nutella Bar Exists, which topped all our other posts for the most Facebook likes, Tweets, and Google+ shares. By a long shot.

Alex is having another weekend sale at the NeatoShop. He's in the habit lately of slashing prices for this and that in order to get you to see what clever and creative Christmas gifts and decorations you can impress everyone with! The NeatoShop has such a large and varied selection that you have to check in every once in a while just to keep up!

If that isn't enough Neatorama for you, we have extra content and fun at our Facebook page, Twitter,  and Pinterest. And mobile users: Flipboard makes it easy to keep up with Neatorama.

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