Some fishermen in Britain caught a huge edible crab and decided to give it to a sick friend. The friend didn't have a pot large enough to cook the crab and stuck it in the refrigerator. Five days later, the family checked on the crab only to find it still alive! They didn't have the heart to eat such a survivor (nor did they have the pot), so they called the Bristol Aquarium. David Waines of the aquarium said,
“When she told me it had been in there for five days I couldn’t believe it was still alive.
“I told them to wrap it in a wet towel and bring it along to the aquarium as quickly as possible.
“Although the crab was very weak when it arrived the fact that it was kept refrigerated meant it was in a kind of suspended animation.
“We placed it into a special tank in our quarantine area and began pumping oxygen-rich seawater over it and it immediately started to show signs of recovery.
The crab now has a permanent home at the aquarium, and is expected to enjoy a long retirement. -via Arbroath