A Flowchart To Help You Decide Which Board Game To Play

Tired of using conventional methods to decide which board game to play? Do you have so many board games that deciding which one to play takes twice as long as actually playing the game?

Well then this handy dandy flowchart is just what you need- it helps guide you towards the perfect board game with questions like “do you think everyone should just get along?” and “is chess too cliché?”.

When you’re finished navigating through the maze of thin white lines the choices are laid out before you in easy to read boxes, and if you’re playing a game like Warhammer or Arkham Horror this flowchart will be the easiest guide you read all night!

Via 22Words

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I bought 3 of these for my husbands letterman jackets for Christmas. I was a bit snug but it looks wonderful and I was able to put a few extra thing in for decoration.
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A question about trains, yet no Eurorails? And Axis and Allies is considered the hardest rules ever? Is that with or without the various house rules people pile on top of the game?
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