Scout is a Master of Balance

I had the darnedest time trying to get my dog to sit, let alone teach him to balance things on his head. But I suppose once you teach your dog that, it's only one more step to get them to balance bigger and heavier items. 

And when it comes to bigger, heavier item balancing, it's hard to beat Scout. He can balance just about anything on his head -even himself.

I don't know many humans who could keep this still with a flower vase on their head. 

Of course, some things are harder to balance than others, at least, when it comes to trying not to eat delicious bacon.

Via Bored Panda

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Geezus people. I'm sure that "poor" dog gets treated better than most pets and people out there. So what if the owner decided to have a bit of fun balancing things on the dog's head. I'm sure the dog gets lots of love, affection and treats and is a perfectly happy animal.
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I sure hope he gets some kind of reward for putting up with it.
When my dog looks at me like that, I know he's saying "Can we PLEASE go out now?"
Poor Scout appears to be saying "Why are you torturing me by balancing heavy, hard stuff on my head?"
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I've seen this posted all over the place, and it really bothers me. Forget for a moment the inherent danger of placing things like a glass vase on an animal's head- even without *those* photos, this strikes me as just degrading. The dog doesn't necessarily comprehend the degradation any more than they get that we find it funny when they "shake hands" or "play dead". But this is basically just the owner doing whatever they want to their dog, because they can. It's taking advantage of that poor dog's loyalty just for your own amusement. That's a member of your family, maybe treat them with as much dignity as you would your own child.
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