Google Glass lets you stay connected to the internet continuously. You could also use it to stay connected to a personal assistant who sees what you see and feeds you information through your screen or earpiece. Writer A.J. Jacobs is thinking about using this capability to help a friend pick up women:
I'm married with three kids, and my wife has made it clear that Glass is not an aphrodisiac for her. So I figured I'd lend my device to a single twenty-six-year-old editor at Esquire. The plan: He'll wear it to a downtown New York bar, and I'll watch the live-stream video from home and tell him what to do. I'll be his Cyrano. I'll get a vicarious night on the town, all while eating my butternut-squash soup in the comfort of my home. I can't wait.
This inspires Jason Kottke to conceive of a future career:
I could imagine Glass Concierge becoming a future job title, basically a personal assistant who looks in on your Google Glass video feed to make helpful suggestions and advice, basically a rally co-driver for your life.
I love the idea! Not of having such a person, but working as one. It's not far from online library reference services with screen-sharing capabilities.
-via Marginal Revolution
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