Teaching fractions can be easier if you start with something a child is familiar with, like LEGO bricks. This introductory lesson is only good for the simplest fractions fractions based on a total of eight pips, but those are the ones they'll be using the rest of their lives to calculate parts of dollars and gallons (in America, that is). Seems like a genius idea to me, but I've never had LEGO bricks. Is this something schools and parents have been doing all along? -via Geeks Are Sexy
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Playing with Legos is how me and all my friends learned about fractions when we were kids. No parents or teachers involved.
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Teaching fractions with LEGO is a good idea but I can only focus on one thing. You've never had LEGO bricks? Ever?
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We learned fractions with pictures of pies cut into wedges.
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We were supposed to learn fractions and other maths things with cuisenaire rods - but mostly we learned how to build towers with them. Although I think there may have been some sneaky educating going on even with all the tower building.
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I wish someone had done this with me when I was a kid. A tutor once asked me, "What is greater: one-half or one-third?" I had no idea. He said, "If you have one of two is it more or less than if you have one of three?" That explanation caused it to sink in. It's all how you teach it, and Legos look as if they'd help get the point across visually.
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We're not up to fractions yet, but I did use Legos to teach my kid counting by fives and tens. They're very useful!
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I was pretty good at fractions because I knew how to cook. When you are doubling a recipe, you have to figure out how much is 2/3 cup and 2/3 cup. This Lego thing is great too.
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