It's time again for Great Pics of the Week and while last week was all about playing it cool, this week, we're enjoying our geeky side. So come with us on a journey of delightful nerdery.
Apple's Jedi Mind Tricks
Have a problem finding a Droid that meets all your needs? Maybe you're jsut a stormtrooper and you don't know it.
Via Dump A Day
The Last Generation
No matter how cool you think you are, your parents are always there to embarass you.
Via Dump A Day
In A Battle of Born Losers, No One Can Really Win
My guess is the Red Shirts would have a heart attack or contract a fatal disease before anyone actually gets shot.
Via 9Gag
Ohms Are Futile?
Just kidding, I just don't want to spell this one out for you.
Via Humour Spot
Evil Things Are Everywhere
People sometimes ask me why I always stay inside all the time. While many people assume it's because I'm lazy, it's really because I've read enough books to know better than to go outside.
Via Dump A Day
Bottles or Pots, They Must All Be Smashed
Hey, it's still better than sitting around chopping grass with the greatest sword in all of existence.
Via Dorkly
Gee, I Wonder If That's A Geek's Car
If you're going to get a personalized license plate, you might as well make it a clever one.
Everyone Needs to Be Comfortable Sometimes
After a long day of exterminating, there's nothing better than a relaxing night at home with your Snuggie.
Via But First This
It's Tough to Be This Dapper
DeviantArt user lisacub shows us the other favorite hobby of off-duty Daleks, dishing out drugged Darjeeling.
The Problem With Religion
Sure, you may have faith, but you don't really know what's going to happen when you disappear. You might just be about to get smashed by a fat plumber.
Via Dorkly
Gaming Educates Us For the Future
Remember, everything you do in life contributes to some useful skills later on.
Via The Meta Picture
Being A Geek Doesn't Mean Sacrificing Glamor
And what a great role model we have when it comes to maintaining lucious, long locks.
Via Redditor dyls33
Finally, A Test
So how many of these geek icons can you recognize?
Via Doghouse Diaries
Keep on geeking on kids, we'll have more Great Pics of the Week next week.