See, There Is Blue Sky in Beijing!

Image: Feng Li/Getty Images - via The Atlantic and reddit

We've covered the story of how insane air pollution is in Beijing, China, before on Neatorama but who says that there's no blue skies there?

Photographer Feng Li took this photo of a giant screen projecting the image of blue skies in the gray and smoggy Tiananmen Square during a time of dangerous levels of air pollution back in January 2013. It looks quite like a dystopian city of the future, straight out of a sci-fi novel.

Alan Taylor of The Atlantic's In Focus has a series of 31 photos illustrating how terrible air pollution can be in China, where at on point, air pollution level is 40 times the maximum recommended safety levels.

But don't worry, China, there is a way out (once you've tackled polluting industries and automotive exhausts). See how Los Angeles of the 1940s used to look like Beijing today.

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