The Most Canadian Story You've Read All Week

The headline is Fark's reference to a story from Regina, Saskatchewan, about a motorist who'd left his wallet on a trailer he was pulling. The wallet was flung off onto the road, burst open, and cash flew everywhere. Another motorist stopped, gathered up all the cash and the wallet, and turned it in to the RMCP, who contacted the owner. A very nice story.

But Farkers agreed that in order to be "the most Canadian story," certain elements would have to be added. Gordon Bennet was glad to oblige, and wrote this addendum:

"That poutine was delicious," said the Mountie. "My Kraft Dinner was lovely too," replied the beaver. They saw that they still had some time to spend before the hockey game, so they pulled on their denim jackets and went into the Mountie's car to go to Tim Horton's for a maple doughnut and some coffee. While the Mountie was distracted putting in an Anne Murray CD, a moose stepped out in front of the car. "Be careful of the moose!" said the beaver. "Thank you very much," replied the Mountie, cautiously manoeuvering the car out of the way.

"That reminds me somehow," said the beaver. "I need to buy a new opener for my milk bags but I'm a bit short. Can I borrow a Loonie?" "I'm not sure if I have it," the Mountie replied, adjusting his toque. "But I do have some Canadian Tire money, will that do?"

"C'est poutine était délicieux", a déclaré le gendarme. "Mon Dîner Kraft était belle aussi," répondit le castor. Ils ont vu qu'ils avaient encore un peu de temps à passer avant le match de hockey, alors ils tiré sur leurs vestes en denim et entra dans la voiture de la police montée pour aller au Tim Horton pour un beignet d'érable et un café. Alors que le gendarme a été distrait mettre dans un CD Anne Murray, un orignal est sorti en avant de la voiture. "Soyez prudent de l'orignal!" dit le castor. "Merci beaucoup," répondit le gendarme, manoeuvrer prudemment la voiture de la route.

"Cela me rappelle un peu", a déclaré le castor. «J'ai besoin d'acheter une nouvelle révélation pour mes sacs de lait, mais je suis un peu court. Puis-je emprunter un <<loonie>>?" "Je ne sais pas si je l'ai,» répondit le gendarme, en ajustant sa toque. "Mais j'ai un peu d'argent <<Canadian Tire>>, qui seront le faire?"

NOW it is the most Canadian story ever!

However, a close runner-up would be the responses to a recent tongue-in-cheek Buzzfeed list outlining the evils of Canada ahead of the Winter Games. The Facebook comments that followed include dozens of Canadians immediately apologizing. I was laughing at the phenomenon when suddenly this golden exchange popped up (censored by me):

Now, have you ever seen anything more Canadian than that?

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I read the story a-GAIN and a-GAIN, but I never saw any mention of hockey sweaters under the denim jackets...
So, it's not most Canadian it could be, only the most Canadian all week -
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