Facebook Used to Rally 100 People to Stand with Bullied Teenager

The aunt of high school student Halsey Parkerson of Salem, Oregon visited him at school one day to have lunch together. While there, she saw him being bullied by another student. The bully told Halsey that “he doesn't have any friends and that no one cares.”

The aunt decided to prove the bully wrong. She called out for help on Facebook, summoning a swarm of new friends for Halsey. One hundred people showed up at school that Friday, rallying to show their support for Halsey (warning: auto-start video).

In the above video, Halsey greeted his new friends. Then all of them together confronted the bully.

-via Legal Insurrection

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The most effective means of dealing with a bully is to beat him into a bloody pulp, but if this works, well, that's adequate.

Hopefully the principal felt shame that bullying was going on at his school.
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I really don't like things like this where they confront the bully with a large group of people and a video camera, because I really think it's getting very close to being an act of bullying itself. If we want to stop bullying, we need to teach kids a better way than "I'll get you back worse". I'm totally with Jonnette, the principal should have deal with it before it got to this stage. I know there's no easy solution, but I think this is a really bad approach
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The principal should have stopped it and made the point that no one should have to go to such lengths to stop bullying. Was the aunt's exposure to the bully the first time the bully hurt someone's feelings or shamed someone? Likely, no. By this age, they're pros. The principal probably never took complaints seriously, which is just the way things are at soooo many schools. The principal probably had no idea how to handle such a backlash of support for a bullied student, so he just laughed it off and let the car parade of fake friends continue. If I were that victim, I'd avoid alllllll Halloween invitations and shun all "good deeds" on the part of the "reformed" bully. Know what I mean?
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I have to agree with Mag Pie, It was a nice thing of his aunty to do, but they were not his friends, More likely a bunch of poseurs showing their cars off, I don't use facebook, And i'd challenge anyone, No matter how many facebook friends they may have, to find 100 or even 10 who actually care about them or have even spoken to them in the last 5 years. These people will be walking past this guy next week without a clue who he is. The "bully" seemed to back down pretty quickly too and took it a little bit too well, Smacks of a publicity stunt/ Anti bullying campaign to me. Also, Was it just me, Or did the kid remind me of Napoleon Dynamite?
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