That's right guys and gals, it's time again for our photo-filled, funtastic Great Pics of the Week series and before Halloween comes around, we thought we'd enjoy one more fantastic set of spooky pics...this time all incorporating some kind of horror. But don't shield your eyes just yet -even the most squeamish of you should still get a kick out of these stupidly hilarious horrific pictures.
I Love You Chestburster
For many parents with kids who grew up in the 90s, this is far, far scarier than the original scene.
Via Unreality Mag
Cenobtes in a Box
When comedy and horror combine, things can get really scary.
Star Trek Gives Us Nightmares
Is there anything scary than knowing someone's fate in advance?
Via George Takei
Spooptacularly Bad Spelling
Terrified of bad spelling, than this whole Buzzfeed article will give you nightmares.
Image Via Zombie Patrol
No More Monkey Business
I bet you thought that monkey costume was adorable when you saw in the store.
Via Cheezburger
A Gorefest for Your House
If there's one thing kitties love more than boxes, it's clawing people who don't expect it.
Via Pleated Jeans
Slowly Walking to You Local Cable Station
The Walking Dead isn't nearly as scary when it's really about Walkers.
Via Imgur
The Truth About Vampires
You wouldn't find them so scary if you just knew that they all have such low self esteem. Owl Turd Comix shows how vampires are born in this image.
Horror Stories for Chickens
You're just trying to add insult to injury here aren't you?
Via Dump A Day
Bread Stark
Just remember, don't lose your head over this tasty Sandwich Monster.
Via Laughing Squid
I'd Like A Nostril Slice
Speaking of horrific foods, this severed head is actually a tasty cake created by Miss Cakehead.
Via Boing Boing
When Dreams Become Nightmares
Anything About Nothing understands that Batman plays such a negative impact on the development of young girls.
I Think I'd Rather Stay Home
This is why you don't let Ted Bundy plan your group date nights.
Via Pleated Jeans
Friday the Memeteenth
Admit it, as soon as you read this one, you'll hear the theme in your head.
Via Dump A Day
The Fabulous Dead
I don't know about you guys, but I'm really hoping Sassy Rick Grimes makes an appearance this season.
Via The Meta Picture
Fear and Loathing in Scareville
"We were somewhere around Barstow when we started seeing children everywhere," begins the preamble I made up for this great mashup by Andy Timm.
Via io9
Have a spoopy week everyone.
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