Despite their best efforts, they never did manage to find Cecil’s lost wedding ring.
Christopher Boffoli’s little friends must have big appetites. At least, that’s what he calls his latest photo series featuring miniatures. Big Appetites shows tiny people and their tools at work on giant pieces of food. He often includes humorous captions to make the scenes more touching or disturbing. You can view more of them here.
Boffoli sees his works as fitting within an old tradition of “a juxtaposition of different scales” that goes back to Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. In an interview with Left Field Project, Boffoli explained why he thinks that Big Appetites has resonated with so many people:
Combining what is essentially food and toys makes the work instantly accessible to virtually everyone. Regardless of language, culture and social status, all people can identify with toys from their childhood. And whether you eat with a fork, chopsticks or your hands, everyone understands food. Sitting down to a meal makes us feel most human.
-via Visual News
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