You know that odd feeling when you wake up from a deep sleep and for a brief moment you can't tell if you're Canadian or not?
— Robb Allen (@ItsRobbAllen) October 15, 2013
If you're not sure, then reach for a cup of coffee. If it's a Tim Horton's then you're probably north of the border.
Speaking of which, while studying the Plattsburgh Campaign of the War of 1812 recently, I stumbled across this tiny US exclave in Lake Champlain.
It's a spit of land about 200 yards long that belongs to the United States, but is disconnected to it by land. Strictly speaking, it's not an exclave because Lake Champlain is a territorial lake divided between the US and Canada.
Panoramio member Guy-Pierre shot several photos of the peninsula and the boundary marker on it. Do you know if it has a name? I can't locate one.!data=!1m4!1m3!1d70143!2d-123.0731937!3d48.9897313,_Washington