Miraculously, the Child in This Crushed Stroller Survived

A collision between two cars in Gravesend, Kent, UK sent a blue Rover skidding to a brick wall. When it stopped, the driver and terrified parents found this stroller wedged between them. The little boy inside came within just a few inches of dying. Instead, he incurred only minor injuries.

Adam Holloway, the local member of Parliament, was coincidentally on the scene and snapped the photos above.

"people go very fast down here". It's the story of motoring in the UK and I hate it. People in cars are bullies, my house has been hit by four cars over the years, people have over 20 points on their licence here and still drive "oh I need it for my job" well if you drive that badly then you deserve to lose your job. This country and the world has been ruined by the motor car and the attitude of motorists. And yes I have a car.
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