Archive for October 15th, 2013

What Do Cats See?

Artist Nickolay Lamm (previously at Neatoarma) took the information we have about cats' vision and reproduced it through photography to give us a glimpse of what they see, compared with how we see the world. Some of the...

Fifty Shades of Grey Actor Quits Movie after Reading Fifty Shades of Grey

(Photo: Gage Skidmore)I haven’t read E.L. James’s Fifty Shades of Grey, but I’ve heard that it has a somewhat salacious storyline. I’ve also heard that the quality of its prose does not m...

"Turn The Light Off" Jurassic Park Poster by Patrick Connan

Holy T-rex, Dino Man! Patrick Connan of Barbarian Factory has created this neat tribute poster of his favorite movie, Jurassic Park. Behold, "Turn The Light Off" poster. The poster is available f...

Scott Adams (Dilbert) Offers Career Advice

Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert, has a long column of career development at The Wall Street Journal. It's brilliant. The entire piece is worth reading, but I’ll highlight just one part...

75 Years of Superman

[] (YouTube link)DC Comics presents an animated retrospective for Superman's 75th anniversary, by Man of Steel director Zach Snyder and animator Bruce Timm. As it is only two minutes l...

The American Political Center

Political scientists often divide the United States of America into red conservative Republican states and blue liberal Democratic states, but is that really political reality? Not according to this new Esquire-N...

Hell No: The Sensible Horror Movie

[](Video Link)"Should we split up?"No, of course not! In this trailer for a horror movie that will sadly never be made, characters make intelligent decisions and avoid taking nee...

The Darth Vader Ant

The ant Cephalotes atratus is bigger than average, dresses all in black, wears a scary helmet, and appears to have super powers. It's called the Gliding Ant, but it resembles Darth Vader. This ant's super power...

Hulk Kawaii Costume

Hulk Kawaii CostumeHalloween is coming. Are you still looking for that perfect baby costume? One that is capable of Hulk smashing the competition? Behold the frightfully cute Hulk Kawaii Costime from the NeatoShop. This...

Man Imitates 101 Dalmatians in Real Life

After watching the classic cartoon 101 Dalmatians, Nelson Vergara of Santiago, Chile, was inspired to take care of the city's abandoned dogs. So far, he's rescued 42 Dalmatians. According to the AP, ther...

Calvydia and Beetlehobbes

Calvydia and Beetlehobbes by Punkshetic Go ahead, make my millenium ... T-shirt designer Punksthetic turned on the juice and this wonderful design shook loose. And like they said, it's a magical world, o...

Kayak the Hedgehog

[] (YouTube link)Kayak was a sick baby hedgehog when he was taken in by a volunteer with the Hedgehog Welfare Society. Kayak was underweight and too weak to walk. But with loving care and deter...

Hard Sci-Fi Movies

Image: Universal Pictures via Collider A boy and his sister discover a space alien and provide him refuge in their home closet. Their parents correctly identify it as a groundhog.— Hard Sci-Fi Mo...

Don't Worry About Zombies, At Least As Long As Animals Are Around

The Walking Dead just started up again, and while plenty of us love to speculate about what we would do during the zombie apocalypse, BoingBoing has a great point that we pretty much wouldn't have to worry about...

Night of the Raging Fangirls

[] (YouTube link)There are fans who enjoy their particular pop culture favorites and like to get together to discuss the finer points of the movie, series, or book. Then there are rabid fans wh...

Ada Lovelace Day

Today, October 15th, is Ada Lovelace Day. Since 2009, it is a day set aside to learn about the many women in STEM disciplines who don't get the credit they deserve for their pioneering work in the fields of science, tech...

Fantastic Doctor Who Pet Costumes For Your K-9

Say hello to Tom Barker and the TARDOG. If your pup just can't get enough of Doctor Who (or if you've always just dreamed your pooch was actually a weird reincarnation of the Doctor who will one day sweep you off your fe...

Super Giant Peanut Butter Cup

Veteran chocolatier Nick Monte of the Village Chocolate Shoppe in Bennington, Vermont, made a peanut butter cup that weighs 230 pounds! It's an impressive peanut butter cup and we have the specs: 59.5 inches wide, an imp...

Star Wars Rebel Alliance Wallet

Star Wars Rebel Alliance WalletAre you looking for a wallet that can stand bravely against the evil of the Galactic Empire? Behold the Star Wars Rebel Alliance Wallet from the NeatoShop. This fantastic bi-fold wallet fea...


[] (YouTube link)First there was Cars, then Cars II, and then Planes, which Disney did without Pixar Studios, although the influence is obvious. What's to stop them f...

They May Not Be The Meatiest Weiners, But They're Certainly The Cutest

For those of us who don't drink beer, Oktoberfest celebrations in the US can be a bit unexciting. Unless you're lucky enough to live in Cincinnati that is, because those lucky Oktoberfest revelers have something entirely...

Facebook Security Simulator

The game Facebook Security Simulator from Usvsth3m is a satire on the ever-changing privacy and security settings on Facebook and other social networks. Honestly, their desire to sell your personal information sets up a...

The 'Roni Roll

(Photo: Forking Tasty)Do you want a hamburger? Well, sorry, but we’re fresh out. You could have a ramen burger, a macaroni and cheese burger or a spaghetti burger.Alternatively, if you want to try something really...

The Fun Festivities of the San Diego Comic Fest

I don't know about you guys, but I'm having a pretty crazy October. So crazy, in fact, that I haven't had a chance to post pictures from the San Diego Comic Fest until now. The convention, that took place at the Town and...

The Places of The Walking Dead

For it's latest Pop Pilgrimage, the A.V. Club travels to film locations for The Walking Dead. Senoia, Georgia, has been the setting for a lot of movies, including Driving Miss Daisy, and lately it doubl...

Two More Souls Are Ready to Join the 999 Happy Haunts

Redditor TheSharkFromJaws must be a huge Disney fan. How do I know that? Well, he or she is part of a happy couple not only had this epic Haunted Mansion at their wedding, but they were also actually married at Walt Disn...

The Original Cast of Saturday Night Live

[] (YouTube link)The live show called Saturday Night (later known as Saturday Night Live) premiered on October 11th, 1975. A few days before that, Lorne Michaels took all seve...

If The Booger Moved, You May Have ... Nostril Tick!

Image: Gabriel L. Hamer University of Wisconsin, Madison, Veterinary epidemiologist Tony Goldberg came back from a trip to Uganda to study chimpanzees and how the diseases they carry may jump to anot...

The Magic Restroom Cafe

You've read about the toilet-themed restaurant in Taiwan. I know we've blogged about it. Now, the Magic Restroom Cafe is open in Los Angeles. Diners sit on toilet seats, eat out of toilet-shaped bowls, and select foods w...

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