Underwater Smoking Strictly Prohibited

Smoking underwater? That just raises further questions!

This strange post, featured on imgur, on Minnesota State Law strictly prohibiting underwater smoking is begging the question: how does one go about smoking underwater in the first place? And why is it so rampant that the Minnesota legislature actually had to bother passing a law to ban it?

Silly as that is, Vermont has got Minnesota trumped. It is against state law in Vermont to whistle underwater.

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For me it rather sounds like a challange than a prohibition... A diving bell would just enable it...

A whistle for underwater whisteling sounds rahter like a physical challenge, to develop a whistle that may be operated by a water jet...
Alternatively. just connect a pressure hose from a diver's air tank to a whistle in a diving bell... this should be heared even outside the water...

The main question remaining would be how to get the local Sherrif to give you a fine ticket for this crime, (and how much it would cost).

Sounds as fun as getting registered as monkey feeder at teh Tōshō-gū shrine in Nikkō, Japan...
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