You often see lists of "life hacks" to make you more efficient, creative, or productive -or just to make life easier. Honestly, I don't want my life "hacked," I just need tips to do things better. However, many of the tips you run across are commonsense things that you've done all your life. The rest just sound weird, so John Green tries them out and evaluates them in the latest mental_floss video, so you don't have to.
Here are some of my personal notes.
I fold fitted sheets all the time. The trick is to ignore the elastic part and just fold the top by grasping the points where the corners fit the top of your mattress. The elastic parts will follow.
It's faster to cut tomatoes one or two at a time. You don't save time by trying to cut more.
Onions no longer make me cry because I got so good at cutting that it's done in a flash.
If you eat strawberries before they grow to atomic mutant size, you don't need to "core" them.
Watching Green open a jar of pickles with duct tape is worth waiting for.
Separating an egg with your fingers is much faster than finding an empty clean bottle.
I use the half-frozen bottle trick for the kids' lunches every day for with juice, tea, or Kool-Ade.
Don't put leftover pizza in the microwave. Use the toaster oven.
Comments (4)
This is where the video stopped making sense to me.