Great Pics of The Week: Are You Ready for Halloween Time?

Good news, everyone! We're starting a new weekly series featuring all kinds of great pictures that might not warrant a full post on the site but are still worth sharing with you readers. In anticipation of Halloween, this first one will focus solely on fun pictures to get you pumped for our favorite holiday of the year.

Sharknado Cosplay

We've seen Sharknado cosplay before, but never anything this epic.

Via The Meta Pic (Original Source unknown)

Old Man Kit

No one wants to discover they've been in costume all year and just didn't know it. This happened to Redditor LiarInGlass' uncle.

Via Mental Floss

Bob Ross Costume

Stop thinking happy thoughts and start painting happy trees like the young man in this image by Flickr user StrawberryRicRac.

Jaws Costume

Personally, I think you're gonna need a bigger boat. 

Via Cheezburger (Original Source unknown)

Ginger Bread Man

I hope he actually ate all that clearance bread after he took off the costume.

Via iLyke (Original Source unknown)

The Cake is NOT a Lie!

When it comes to creative costumes, let your imagination guide you, even it ends up totally bizarre.

Via The Mary Sue

Port-a-Potty Costume

Just remember to always keep things classy -like Lance here.

Wendy vs The King

Wondering who overtook the Burger Kingdom since Burger King has become Fry King? Looks like Wendy came out on top here as evidenced in this photo by David Ngo.

Via Thats's Nerdalicious

Pizza Man or is it Man Pizza?

This pizza looks delicious, but I hear the hearburn is killer

Via That's Nerdalicious

Why Sloth Loves Halloween

It's never a bad time for cuteness, especially when that means getting to enjoy a sloth celebrating Halloween like this guy in the Smithsonian National Zoo.

Drown Your Dog's Cone of Shame Sorrow with This

If you want to put your critter in a Halloween costume but he ends up in a cone, you can still dress him up -you just need a little more imagination like Redditor bearmanatee.

Via Cheezburger

Bee Careful When Dressing Up Cats!

Remember, not all pets want to play dress up, even for a holiday.

Senor Gato!

Even when they hate the costumes, they still can look fantastic though!

Via ellemenoh

Monsters Are Bad ...

And it's not only costumes to worry about. Monsters are much, much worse.

... But The Vet is Much Worse!

Speaking of things that scare pets, any critter would be terrified of this horror flick.

I'm A Cat Not a Costume

You might remember the A Culture, Not A Costume campaign that took place a few years ago. Even the cats are sensitive to stereotypes these days.

What do Orcas Dress Up as for Halloween?

So what does a giant black and white mammal dress up as for Halloween? Liz Climo knows they would be a panda, of course.

Via Cheezburger

Jason Gnomhees?

Even lawn decorations can get a little dark during this time of year. I don't know if Deadly The Gnome made these or not, but they are pretty darn great either way.

If you like this new series or have some notes on what you would like to see, be sure to let us know in the comments. After all, we do this all for you, so your opinion is what matters most.

Love Halloween and cosplay? Check out our Halloween Blog!

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