Parenting Achievement Unlocked

When your kids get sneaky and deceptive in order to read books, you know that you've raised serious readers.

If my parents ever caught me reading under the covers with a flashlight, they never let on about it.

Marklo Kloos, the author of this tweet, is also a budding science fiction writer. He wrote Terms of Enlistment, an excellent military science fiction novel similar to Heinlein's Starship Troopers.

See more about baby and kids at NeatoBambino

My mom worried about me getting enough sleep, because she knew I read in bed until way late. But as long as I got up in the morning and kept my grades up, she didn't say anything. So that's they way I'm handling my kids, too.
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My parents had to get all of the 7-8 flashlight I hid in my bed / plush toys, plus find a way to stop me from using the bedside lamp (I could reach the cable and plug it back in...). I had ok grades at school (8/10), it's just that I would read until... 5 or six in the morning ^^;
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