The 9 Least Competent Jedi

This headline made me think, were there really any truly competent Jedi knights or Jedi masters in the Star Wars universe? This list includes a few from the "extended universe," or other Star Wars stories besides the six movies, and I'm not well familiar with those. But it does point out the flaws in the good guys we know, like Obi-Wan Kenobi.

I think we can give Obi-Wan a pass for being a shitty teacher to Anakin; I mean, he wasn’t remotely qualified, but Qui-Gon gave him the job anyways, forcing Obi-Wan to promise him as he died. That’s some heavy shit to lay on a Padawan, and you can’t blame Obi-Wan for trying — and failing — to fulfill his insane master’s wishes. But you can blame him for everything he did after the prequels. Call me crazy, but lying to the very last Jedi about his dad seems like a recipe for disaster, and indeed, it nearly was. At the very least, it’s probably information Luke could have used before he went to face Vader in ESB, so he didn’t have a massive emotional breakdown or anything. And why the hell did Obi-Wan allow himself to be cut down by Vader in A New Hope, anyway?

Poor teaching skills over two generations and a famous plot hole. I'm still surprised that the death of Obi-Wan wasn't "fixed" in the director's cut. Read the rest of the criticisms at io9. Link

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Bringing 'balance to the force' simply ended up meaning 'not allowing the dark side to take over', nothing to do with the numbers of Jedi against Sith. By the time of Ep III the Force was completely out of whack. The stupid thing is nowhere does Lucas ever really explain this clearly in any of the 3 prequels or even go into who made the prophecy, ridiculous storytelling.
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For me one of the most dazzeling aspects are the combination of only two sith, and a large group of jedi searching for the one to bring "balance" to the force...
For me balance just means a one to one relation between sith and jedi..
---> if you find the one to bring balance to the force, better kill him, as he would eihter kill all jedi (exept of two) or significantly increase the number of sith...
Non of the jedi council's members (or the author itself) seem to have been able to draw this conclusion...
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On all those points: Jedi's were humans too, with their own hopes and dreams and ideals, and they also gambled and eventually won, so that concerns all the points except for this one: "And why the hell did Obi-Wan allow himself to be cut down by Vader in A New Hope, anyway?"

Is that a valid question? Really? Obi-Wan was old, he may have had his tricks but he was old, and he could never do what Luke could do, it was already hard for him to face Darth Vader, it was all tough for him to deal with, plus, in his 'ethereal' form he could always be everywhere, no spaceships needed :D

Obi-Wan just got extremely sick of it all and wanted to become a ghost, sometimes, we all want that.
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