How to Make Star Wars Great Again

(YouTube link)

TrumanPDX sends an open letter to J.J. Abrams in the form of a video explaining what made Star Wars so special in the first place. I agree, follow what was great about the original trilogy without trying to outshine or out-CGI the prequels. But when he asks for fewer cutsie characters, well, good luck with that. After all, Disney is never going to pass up an opportunity for product marketing. -via Ryan Galloway

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On the nose! I remember reading a Time magazine review of StarWars when it came out. One of the things noted by the reviewer was that things had dings and scratches. It was a 'well-worn' universe.

The frontier aspect was also important. There are planets run essentially by criminal cartels, like Tatooine, because the Empire was unraveling at the seams. Such uncontrolled areas are the breeding ground for revolution.

Make a movie or sell toys? Post-cinema marketing is everything today, and so characters and extras are made to be easily translated into a line of action figures. The movie becomes a vehicle for selling stuff to kids, and is diminished. It is a gigantic product placement.
It also works this way for making money, so it's not likely to end.
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It's funny, cause I enjoyed ALL of Star Wars movies to absolute full extent, maybe it was because I watched it when having an own opinion didn't mean anything to me yet, so I didn't look for ways to individualize myself and I could just enjoy things in a chillike way? I don't know :D
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While that's an easy target, the real problem is subtler than that. It was best-evidenced in the retooling of the original trilogy. Mos Eisley (a more wretched hive of scum and villainy you won't find anywhere) was suddenly punctuated with slapsticky jawa scenes and goofball, unnecessary additions (like Han walking on Jabba). It totally destroyed the ominous vibe of the place from when I first saw it as a child. And that is one of many examples where Lucas destroyed his own creation. 3PO and R2 were meant to be the Rosencrantz and Gildenstern comedy sideline, and they served that need well. Saturating the entire world with goofy fare just ruined it all. And that misguided "revamped" vibe seemed to pervade the entirety of the prequels.
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