CCTV Captured Young Men Fixing a Broken Bike Rack

It was 3 AM in Boston, Lincolnshire, England. Young men were milling about an intersection. They had been revelling around town for the night. They had probably been drinking. In any case, they were up to something. And a CCTV was there to capture what they were about to do ... Watch the clip from ITN.

What? Did you expect something bad?

Martin Griggs, Dean Mason, Simon McMillan, and Dan Butler - all men in their twenties - became local celebrities when a CCTV captured them fixing a broken bike rack outside a takeaway restaurant in their town.

When the footage went viral, Griggs told BBC News, "Most people expect negative images in the news and Boston gets quite a lot of bad press - I think that's why the press have grabbed hold of it - it's a good news story for a change."

The Boston Borough Council has praised the young men for their "public-spirited" actions.

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