Archive for September 14th, 2013

Hash Brown-Wrapped Eggs

How do you make hash browns and eggs even better? By putting one inside the other, of course. Just soft boil your egg, wrap the raw hash browns around it and then throw it all in a deep fryer. If you really want a delici...

Real-Life Flintstones Car

[](Video Link)Yeah, it's slow. But you'll save a lot on gasoline if you drive like Fred Flintstone does.-via Daily of the DayThe Flintstones...

Butterfly Twirl Mobile

Butterfly Twirl MobileMobiles are a fun way to add a little artistic balance and visual inspiration to your home decor. While they are typically geared toward children, there is no denying that their free flowing movemen...

Jody Steel's Thigh Doodles

Boring lecture? Many of us doodle in class, but artist Jody Steel eschews paper and uses her body as canvas instead. Oh, and while we got into trouble for drawing instead of paying attention to the teacher, Jody...

This Woman's Name Is So Long That It Can't Fit on a Driver's License

(Photo: AP/Chris Stewart)The standard driver's license in Hawaii has space for 35 characters for the driver's last name. It's not enough:Janice "Lokelani" Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele is in the midst of a fight wi...

There's A Reason Ghosts Don't Haunt Cats

(Video Link)Sure, your cat might be terrified of a random outside noise, a vacuum and the dreaded squirt bottle of death, but ghosts -meh. Need proof? Just look at these two cool cats trying to figure out wha...

Adding Eyes and Teeth Brings Everything to Life

You may remember Toronto street artist Aidan Glynn shopdropping Super Mario Bros. mushrooms. More recently, he's been turning urban fixtures into living creatures just by adding eyes, teeth, mustaches and tongues. Y...

NSA Job Application Flowchart

Want a job with the NSA? There are certain qualities they look for in a job applicant, and this handy flowchart from The Joy of Tech will help you out. But don't bother submitting an application; if you're right for the...

Good Luck in Your New Job and May You Rot in Hell

Redditor chopieseeves has worked at an Arby's for 4 years. She's about to graduate from college, so she's moving on to professional employment. As you can see, her co-workers are being good-natured about it.Link -via Tha...

Rubber Duck Potato

What looks like a duck but tastes like a potato? 73-year-old retiree Dorothea Clinton of Shropshire, England, dug up this unusual looking tuber from her back garden. "I just pulled it out of the ground and I...

Spice Up Your Ceiling Fan

[] (YouTube link)He put a bunch of tape on the ceiling fan. Let's find out why. This would be awesome in a couple of different colors of paint, too. -via TYWKIWDBI ceiling fan, illusion...

Your Work as a Teenager

The good news is that if you're my age, there's no internet record of your teenage thoughts. Alas, cartoonist Kelly Angel is not so fortunate.Link -via Pleated JeansBonus item:It's interesting to imagine how it'd affect...

Where The Old Gods Are

Where The Old Gods Are by Baznet Oh please don't go to his house at R'lyeh, where dead Cthulhu waits dreaming - he'll eat you up, he loves you so! Let the wild rumpus start with this neat shirt by Baznet...

You Can Fly Peter Pan Teapot

 You Can Fly Peter Pan Teapot (front and back shown)Celebrate Walt Disney's 1953 animated classic film, Peter Pan, with the You Can Fly Peter Pan Teapot from the NeatoShop. This gorgeous collectible ceramic teapot f...

Purple Palace Art Car for Sale

The Purple Palace, a tri-level art vehicle built upon an articulated bus, has been a fixture at Burning Man for eight years. But it could be yours, as the bus is for sale at eBay Motors.  The Purple Palace has three...

CCTV Captured Young Men Fixing a Broken Bike Rack

[] It was 3 AM in Boston, Lincolnshire, England. Young men were milling about an intersection. They had been revelling around town for the night. They had probably been drinking. In any ca...

A Is For Astronaut

For those space geeks who want their children to grow up to appreciate the miracles of the universe, this space-themed alphabet poster by Brad Woodard and Jordan Whittlick is the ultimate nursery poster. Just hope your l...

Epic Battle Between Two House Cats

[] (YouTube link)Yeah, it's a fight of sorts, between two cats who can't be bothered to even stand up. And they are easily distracted, and have to take breaks for a quick wash. But they keep at...

Puritan Baby Names Were Horrible by Modern Standards

(Image: Charles West Cope)Looking for a good baby name? You could take the modern approach and deliberately misspell a common name. Or you could you could go old school and look for advice from Seventeenth Cent...

This Week at Neatorama

Arrr -it's that time of year again! Talk Like a Pirate Day is this coming up Thursday, so it's time to pull out the eye patch and the parrot to help you shed that landlubber speech. Why talk like a pirate? because it's f...

Disney Princesses Dressed in the Fashions of the Years Their Films Came Out

Disney princess movies are timeless, but perhaps they'd be dated if the characters dressed for the times. Beatrice Lorén drew 11 Disney princesses in the fashions popular when their movies were released, from 1937...

Father Builds Pneumatic Tube System for Delivering Teeth to the Tooth Fairy

This is so cute! Jeff Highsmith realized that with the vast increase in world population over the past few centuries, the Tooth Fairy must be increasingly pressed for time. So he built a pneumatic tube system that delive...

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