What's worse than a trip to the emergency room? A trip to the E.R. for something really humiliating. These are real-life E.R. reports.
"Forehead pain: Patient shot self in nose with BB gun."
"Head injury: Rolled off couch and hit telephone."
"40-year-old female using toothbrush to make herself gag, accidentally swallowed toothbrush."
"Abdominal pain. Diagnosis: tight pants and belt."
"Patient stuffed ear with toilet paper so roach wouldn't crawl in, now unable to remove."
"Patient missed punching bag, hit metal safe."
Concussion, severe headache: Patient being pulled on a sled behind golf cart, struck a bump, launched in air."
"Pulled groin while riding a mechanical bull."
"Bruised shoulder: Husband was throwing cell phone at cat, missed cat."
"Patient, 23, used a sword to cut a piece of paper. Laceration left arm."
"Accidentally swallowed guitar pick."
"Patient, 31, was playing sex games with wife, had belt around neck, jumped over something and got hung up. Also fell down stairs."
"Ankle injury from falling off stage doing karaoke."
"Fell off monkey bars at police academy."
"Patient playing with pillow case, buddy put a rock in it."
"Insect bites on lips while riding a go-kart."
"Generalized body rash after being in pool and hot tub at hotel."
"Pain, swelling, blister on palm: Patient, 15, was playing video games, woke next day with swollen hand. Pain and swelling getting worse."
"Patient has wrist pain after sex and bowling."
(Image credit: Flickr user zoomar)
This list was reprinted with permission from the Bathroom Institute's book Uncle John's Heavy Duty Bathroom Reader. Since 1988, the Bathroom Reader Institute has published a series of popular books containing irresistible bits of trivia and obscure yet fascinating facts.
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