This is actually the caterpillar form of the Chinese Bush Brown butterfly (Mycalesis gotama), but that face is familiar all over the world as Hello Kitty.
As you can probably imagine, these cute caterpillars are quite the hit in Japan, the caterpillars native region. I have no idea what the caption above says (please tell me in the comments if you do) but I’m hoping it says OMGWHYISTHISSOCUTE because that’s what I’m saying to myself.
No, I don't know why it was named the Chinese Bush Brown butterfly if its native region is Japan. Life is full of mysteries. See more pictures of this caterpillar and some of the art it inspired at The Featured Creature. Link
(Image source: Meiwa Suisan)
These translate to "Pu pu there!" (Grammar is reversed). Generally the sound effect "pu pu (pu pu pu)" is beeping though, like a telephone. But in this context it might be a sort of "peekaboo".
I am not Japanese, nor can I read it, I just "internetted a bit". So if there is anybody who can back this up/correct it, please feel free to! :)