Imagine that the classic 1975 film Monty Python and the Holy Grail were to be released in 2013. The trailer would follow the same formula as every other film this year, building suspense with quick shots of action and facial expressions that either give away the entire plot or else tell you nothing that you need to know. Oh, yeah, and put that Inception music behind it. You got it! All of the hype, and none of the charm! Seriously, this trailer parody had to have been a lot of work, to find the few seconds of the movie without a laugh. -via Digg
Like, I wish there was a dead serious re-cut of Holy Grail just sitting in a vault somewhere. Don't remake it, god no, but it would be nice if while they were doing the Monty Python version, they were taking alternative cuts that played the movie out as dark and serious, in secret..
And then drop it on us 30 years later cause it would that itself would be hilarious.
If I ever make a movie, I'm going to do that. It probably would never work out because I'd be ostensibly making two movies, but the lolfactor alone would be great, and DVD sales would be through the roof (assuming of course it was even worth seeing)