All that street fightin' sure takes a toll. deviantARTist Arman Akopian (I-GUYJIN-I) explored what happened to main Street Fighter characters after the fight is over in his fan-art series, Street Fighter Chronicles:
"Fate, it would seem, has played a cruel joke with Col. Guile. One of his signature and most fearsome attack moves, the 'Sonic Boom' became the reason for his complete loss of hearing. As a result of that Guile got discharged from the Air Force. And to make matters worse, during the process of the medical exam, overblown with emotions, he lost control over his temper and knocked a military official into a permanent coma. For that reason he got discharged with dishonor and lost all his privileges as a veteran officer. After doing 2 years in prison, his life went downhill. At this point all we know about him is that he is smuggling illegal immigrants over the border somewhere between Mexico and the state of Texas."
"The man known as Ryu no longer exists. The power of the Dark Hadou has destroyed the soul of the ultimate street fighter leaving behind a demented empty shell that rages with uncontrolled ferocity, making it the perfect vessel for Akuma's evil spirit. Knowing that, Ken Masters has hidden what was left of Ryu in one of the mental institutions that belong to his company. With the help of Dhalsim he has created spiritual barriers that prevent Akuma from possessing Ryu's body in the hopes to somehow find a way to bring the consciousness of his best friend back into this world."
"Blanka was overblown with joy after reuniting with his long lost mother. Seeing that she was always anxious and concerned for his well being, due to his street fighting life style, he decided to make a few changes. With the help of his mother's boyfriend, who was a manager at the Brazilian division of Hydro Quebec, Blanka got himself a job as an emergency power generator for some of the hard to reach areas of the Amazon River. It was work perfectly suited to his profile. While buzzing out voltage he casually sips on margaritas and has been known to indulge on the occasional joint or two. Watching the local soccer team play as he powers up the beam lights of the field late in the evening he feels happy and at peace."
"It was the end of Vega as we knew him when he crossed paths with the rampaging Ryu. The mad warrior simply ripped apart the narcissistic Spanish matador leaving behind a smoldering carcass of what once used to be Bison's right hand man. But Bison saw this as an opportunity to test his new tech of creating cyber-warriors. After a while Vega emerged from the Shadaloo bio lab as Cyber Vega. Improved and deadlier than ever he is the prototype of the thousand cyber-clones that Bison intends to build on the road to his conquest. As for Cyber Vega himself, he is consumed with the wish for revenge and destroying everything that was once dear to Ryu."
"All of Japan's underworld has to pay heed to the new Oyabun. For the Yakuza clan have been all united under the heavy palm of Edmond Honda. Frustrated at the inability of the police and the military to prevent Shadaloo's expansion in to his beloved country, Honda decided to take matters into his own hands. But in doing so, he chose to approach the problem from a different direction. The Japanese Yakuza, an ancient and powerful organization, with a vast arsenal of quick and efficient methods of solving any problem, seemed like a worthy opponent to Bison's criminal might. And so, Honda joined one of the clans, and quickly rose through the ranks to a boss position. Eventually he managed to unite all the Yakuza under his iron rule. And now he reigns supreme as the sole leader of all the clans."
Read the rest over at Akopian's deviantART gallery: Link | More Street Fighter on Neatorama
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