Archive for September 6th, 2013

Eat Healthily

A drinkable margarita does you more good than a health shake that you can't keep down. I like Ryan Hudson's dieting advice.Linkwebcomic, Channelate, Ryan Hudson, margaritas...

Why Can't We Just Host the Olympics in the Same Place Every Year?

Saturday, the International Olympic Committee will announce where the 2020 Summer Games will be held: Istanbul, Madrid, and Tokyo are the contenders. Whichever city wins the games will face enormous costs for a couple we...

Bacon and Eggs Salt & Pepper Shakers

 Bacon and Eggs Salt & Pepper ShakersAre you looking for a deliciously fun way to make your kitchen decor sizzle? You need the egg-cellent Bacon and Eggs Salt & Pepper Shakers from the NeatoShop. This delect...

The Seven Sutherland Sisters and Their 37 Feet of Hair

Some stars of 19th-century freak shows were born, others were made. The Seven Sutherland Sisters: Sarah, Victoria, Isabella, Grace, Naomi, Dora, and Mary Sutherland, sang and played musical instruments on stage, but it w...

Cow Wash

(Photo: DeLaval)It looks like cows wandered into a car wash, but this brush is actually made for them:The industrial-sized device features a huge swinging cow brush similar to those used to clean vehicles.It is fixed ins...

My Life Decisions - [no. 1030 @gingerfaced]

The Price is Right crowd but for my life decisions.— Taylor (@gingerfaced) May 16, 2013 Want it on a t-shirt? Click the shirts below!gingerfaced, Illustrator Kevin Coffee, television, gameshows,...

Mystery Bug Builds Fence Around Eggs

Have you ever seen anything like this? Chemical ecologist Troy Alexander, doing research in the Peruvian Amazon, found what appears to be an insect egg case with a structure around it that looking surprisingly like a fen...

50% of the US Population Is In These 146 Counties

Earlier this month, John posted an image showing how 98% of Australia's population is clustered in a few coastal regions. While that was fascinating, it turns out that America is pretty highly clustered as well. In fact,...

Trying to Catch the Wind

[] (YouTube link)The guy blows a stream of air in front of the kitten. The kitten knows something is there even if he can't see it, so why can't he catch it? There, there, baby, you don't have...

Geeky T-shirts from The Hookshot

iGeek by The Hookshot The "i" in iGeek really makes it doubly geeky! See how many geeky references you can identify in this neat-O shirt. I'd like to welcome The Hookshot to the NeatoShop...

Masters of Deception: 5 Two-Faced Species

Look at that cute face -looks kind of like Zoidberg, doesn't it? But that's not this insect's face. In fact, it doesn't even have a face quite yet, because this is the pupa form of the skipper butterfly. The eye...

The Curious Origin of Sarin Nerve Gas

Rabbit used to check for leaks at Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Colorado, manufacturing plant that produces sarin gas. Source: Library of Congress/Wikipedia As you know, President Obama is urging...

How to Make Bell Jars Out of Soda Bottles

If you look at a variety of Halloween decor sites like I do, you'll often see decoration suggestions that require the use of a bell jar, but these can be kind of expensive -especially if you only intend to use them for H...

Jack Skellington Hanging Heads

 Jack Skellington Hanging HeadsAre you bored with the same old scare-and-scream home accessories? Add a dash of pumpkin king to your decor with the Jack Skellington Hanging Heads from the NeatoShop. The Jack Skellin...

Crapper Mapper

This week's quiz from b3ta's quiz site, UsvsTh3m, challenges you to identify where in the world a toilet is located by its photograph. This quiz isn't timed, so there's no pressure. And in some of these toilets, I'm sure...

Kludge Guitar

Musiques de Nulle Part calls it the "Guitare cithare," which translates as the "Guitar zither." It's made of everything:Electric instrument, made with pieces of an old shelf, bed slats, steel, guitar ...

Mom's Not Here Right Now

Enjoy 20 really clever notes parents left for their offspring at The Chive. It's a shame that such subtlety flies right over kids' heads. That is, if they even bother to read them. It's much harder to get youngsters to c...

If Donut Holes Were Savory, They'd Be Bantams

I don't know about you guys, but I simply love a good bagel with cream cheese. They even make a great to-go snack when you sandwich them together. If that still isn't portable enough for you though, perhaps you need a Ba...

The New Yahoo! Logo Can Be Yours, Too

Yahoo! unveiled a new logo, their first in 18 years, to the public this week. CEO Marissa Mayer tells how she and the designers at Yahoo! turned it out over a weekend. That sparked discussion all over the internet about...

Photos of Adorable Kids Dressed As Famous Celebrities

Even if you could care less about Madonna, Jimi Hendrix, Elvis or David Bowie, there's just something fantastic about seeing young kids dressed up like these famous celebrities. Especially when photographer April Macibor...

Clumsy Cats Compilation

[] (YouTube link)Back before the internet, we had to watch our own cats for non-stop comedy. If any cats were harmed in the making of this video, it was their own fault. (via Tastefully Offensi...

Human Lung Calzones

No, these calzones aren't made with human lungs--although I suppose that you could make them that way. Rather, Beth Jackson Klosterboer just made them in the shape of human lungs. It's one of her many wonderful food craf...

These Pups Can't Wait to Take A Bath

 (Video Link)I have to bribe my pooch with food to get in the bath tub during bath time and even then, he tries to get out the second I turn my back, but these little dachshund pups jump at the chance to take a bath...

Le Grand K: The Perfect Kilogram

The world’s most perfect weight isn’t so perfect anymore. And that'd got scientists scared.(Image credit: Greg L) Hidden in a vault outside Paris, vacuum-sealed under three bel...

Giraffe Snuggle Sack and Cap

Giraffe Snuggle Sack and CapAre you looking for a fun and functional Halloween costume for your favorite little wild animal. Don't buy just a costume. Invest in the Giraffe Snuggle Sack and Cap set from the NeatoShop. Th...

Pizza Box Airplane

[](Video Link)Darren Lewis and Phil Reilly built a surprisingly functional remote controlled airplane using an old pizza box, an RC controller and $35 of parts. It has an actuate...

Guinness Ad Features Wheelchair Basketball

[] (YouTube link)It's not easy to sink a basket from a sitting position. Unless you've seen this ad before, you might think you know where it's going, but you don't. -via Daily of the Day wheel...

Becoming Human

This robot understands what it means to be human--perhaps better than most of us do.John McNamee's comic offers a helpful (if unintended) reminder: reading this blog makes you more human.Linkwebcomic, Pie Comic, Joh...

The 25 Most Memorable Moments in TV History

The title of this list is so intriguing, you have to check every entry out to see if you agree it to be worthy of its ranking. There are video clips of these memorable TV moments, in case you missed them the first time a...

Facebook-Flavored Ice Cream

Admir Adili, an ice cream maker in Croatia, says that his teenage daughter asked him to make an ice cream flavor inspired by Facebook. It's been a big hit this summer in that country.What do you think Facebook ice cream...

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