"I Have Never in My Life Seen a Kentuckian Without a Gun, a Pack of Cards and a Jug of Whiskey."

Neatorama's own managing editor, Miss Cellania, hails from Kentucky. That's the state where public officials must swear an oath againts dueling. Andrew Jackson uttered the words in the post title. Having worked with Miss Cellania for 4 years, I can tell you this: it's completely true.

Don't speak ill of the Commonwealth of Kentucky in her presence because Miss Cellania never took that oath. And I bet she'd be proud to own one of these silkscreened prints made on vintage road maps of her state.

Link -via NotCot

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I was going to say you make up for the lack of a gun by carrying TWO jugs... one for whiskey, one for mint juleps at the horse races (what's this I hear about everyone in Kentucky wearing a derby?)
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