Public Enemy No. 1 (Photo:
Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/Shutterstock)
Knitta, please. How dare you bring "dangerous instruments" of knitting needles to a public library?
The Knit 'n' Natter, a group of knitting enthusiasts, has been meeting at a library in Cramlington, Northumberland, England, for years. But recently, the group has been banned by the county council:
Margaret Derrick, one of the group's founding members, said: "We've been told different stories and different complaints and I don't now know what to believe.
"We've been told knitting needles are dangerous instruments and against health and safety policy. We've also been told that it's because we are too noisy.
A group of noisy women with sharp sticks? It's just a matter of time before they brawl and someone loses an eye ...
The BBC has more: Link
Comments (6)
But the "healthy and safety" argument"? Utter nonsense.
If this were a group of noisy teenagers, I doubt we'd be seeing the same outrage. From the point of view of the other patrons of the library, a large noisy group is still a large noisy group regardless of their age or activities.