Officer Dan Waskiewicz of the Baltimore Police Department responded to a call about a vicious dog chasing kids. He later wrote about the experience:
I followed the dog into an ally to see how it was acting. Going on my own approach, being a dog lover, I got out of my car and called the "vicious dog" over to me. The dog came over with it's tail between it's legs and panting. I grabbed my water bottle and the dog sat down next to me and began licking my pants. I started giving the dog water. I brought the dog over and waited for the pound to show up. My partner was not a fan of dogs and was startled by my approach. I suggested to him that this dog cannot be put down, and should be taken to a shelter. We took it upon ourselves to take the dog to the shelter, and transported it in the back seat in the back of our patrol car. Then I decided that I wanted to keep the dog, and spoke to the shelter about the steps to take to adopt it.
So now "Bo" has a new home with Waskiewicz and two other dogs. There are more pictures and also links to what happened after the story at Modified K9 Blog. Link -via Death and Taxes
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