Archive for August 4th, 2013

Baby Transportation Devices

I wouldn't mind carrying a tot around in a Baby Bjeard. And if I had twins to transport, then I'd also use a Baby Stovepipe Hat. Theron Parlin, AKA Lunchbreath, reminds us of great childcare gadgets from the past.Linkweb...

Red Farm Propaganda

The cows are fat and happy in this 1962 Soviet agriculture poster. The text says, "The Gas Station to Abundance.” But what does it mean? Is it about feeding cows so they produce tanks of milk? Is it to encourage th...

Drunk Man Wakes Up Without Penis

Men, if you ever passed out drunk and woke up to find your so-called-friends had taken unflattering photos, consider yourself lucky. At least you woke up ... uhm, "intact." Not such luck for Gera...

Minneapolis Skyline Reflected in a Lens

Redditor ckanderson snapped this great shot of Minneapolis. I'd love to see what the pictured camera took, too.Linkskylines, photography...


[] (vimeo link)Watch this trailer mashup in full-screen mode; you'll be glad you did. It contains nothing but the most epic clips from fairly recent movies, mostly special effects and explosions,...

PlayStation Toaster

Merinda's toaster can no longer make toast. That's sad because fresh toast could be a nice snack while gaming. But it can play PS2 games without any problems. She writes about her mod:It was surprisingly easy to find a s...

History of the Pale Blue Dot

Discovery News has a gallery of photographs of the Earth, taken from various distances, from the 1946 film shot at 65 miles up to Voyager's 1990 image from 4 billion miles away. The image here of the Earth risin...

Hilarious Trailer for Chinese Batman's Origin Story

Do you remember this mangled Batman origin story presented on a Chinese knock-off toy? Maybe it could inspire a great movie. See Crusader Cast's trailer for a movie that, sadly, never was.[

Doctor Who: Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor

The wait is over: BBC has announced in a live event that Peter Capaldi will star as the 12th Doctor in its hit sci-fi series Doctor Who. Capaldi, a 55-year-old actor from Gla...

Poodle Bathrobe

Poodle BathrobeAre you looking for a sweet treat for your favorite chic baby. Dress them up in the Poodle Bathrobe from the NeatoShop. This adorable bathrobe features embroidered eyes, and a sweet puffy pink nose.  ...

The Internet's Dream Game

First, you collect everyone's favorite game features, then you fix all the complaints you hear on the internet about existing games. What you then have is the ultimate game, which even I would play! Someone need to devel...

The Ultimate Catwalk

It's not your house. It's the cat's house. You're just a temporary live-in servant. This wrap-around catwalk clarifies the nature of the relationship.-via Rocket News 24(Photo: unknown)cats, catwalks...

Push-up Bra

[] (YouTube link)This ad for a push-up bra is kind of clever, don't you think? It gets the point across. That said, it's an underwear ad from Thailand, so viewer discretion is advised. -via Dai...

Giving Up Is Not An Opt ...

Actually, giving up is always an option! (The same goes for failure, by the way.) German conceptual artist Ole Ukena cleverly illustrates the trite maxim with this art installation that will inspi...

My Little Pony Contact Lenses

Ordinary contact lenses will improve your vision, but these My Little Pony lenses will also give you a suave and debonair appearance. Sethistro spotted them on sale at the San Diego Comic Con this year.LinkMy Li...

Kitten Survives Flight in Wheel Well

A kitten hiding in the front wheel well of an Airbus flew from Athens to Zurich on Friday. The ground crew in Greece had spotted the kitten and searched for it, delaying the plane for two hours. But when a search of the...

Peanut Butter Cup Martini

Martini purists might dispute that this cocktail is properly called a martini. For example, Neatorama commenter nihil once wrote:Dear Interwebs/Chain Restaurants/Peeps who love booze,Stop calling every cocktail you make...

A Corgi Discovers a Mirror

[] (YouTube link)The puppy Mocha sees a new friend, with predictable but oh-so-adorable results. -via Daily PIcks and Flicks corgi, puppy, mirror...

Imaginary Factories

What happens when you fiddle with your smartphone, take a picture, toast a piece of bread or turn on the TV? According to these fantastic illustrations by London-based illustrator Jing Zhang (@mazakiiz), wh...

Cut Your Meals in Half with This Dinnerware Set

Having trouble sticking to a diet? This clever dinnerware set by Fajar Kurnia, Jeremy Chia and Jo Djauhari can help. Just cut your meal portions in half--literally.Link -via Foodbeastdinnerware, plates, tableware...

I'm Drinking Till I'm Someone Else's Problem Flask

I'm Drinking Till I'm Someone Else's Problem FlaskAre you an honest individual looking for a hip flask that reflects your honest intentions? You need the I'm Drinking Till I'm Someone Else's Problem Flask from the NeatoS...

Hope and Rosie Get Dinner

[] (YouTube link)English Springer Spaniels Hope and Rosie dance for their dinner! You can imagine that the dance came first, and the song was a natural addition to the routine. -via Arbroathdog...

A Truly Dreamy "Nightmare" Design

Nightmare by Alberto Arni Alberto Arni may have named this Jack Skellington-inspired T-shirt "Nightmare" but the spectacular design is a dream! Check out his official website and...

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