(Photo: Brittany Sowacke/RedEye)
Chicago bar server Levi Kane lost a leg in a motorcycle accident 4 years ago. His modified his prosthetic replacement to make his work a bit easier and more fun:
It’s an idea that was born when he was on vacation with his dad.
The two had just plopped down on the couch with a beer as they had done countless times before when they realized they had a major problem.
“We both grabbed a beer and sat down on the couch and then we were like ‘Oh, we forgot to open it. Now we’ve got to get up to open it. Are you kidding me? That’s horrible,’ ” Kane recalls.
This time, dear old dad had an epiphany. “He was like ‘We should just bolt one on there.’ ”
His doctor is reportedly fine with him having bolted a bottle opener onto the side of his prosthetic leg. Kane said having it there has saved him a ton of time over the years in addition to helping him out at his job.
“Tips definitely seem to skyrocket when I let them open the bottle of beer on my leg,” he said.
Link -via Breda Fallacy
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