Is this swimsuit ready to bite, or has it been bitten? Either way, it will remind everyone at the beach to be on the lookout for sharks! Bad Aby of Bad Aby Designs makes these to order to fit the customer, with optional...
[] (YouTube link)This is the morning rush hour in Beijing. Good luck getting off the train at your stop, because you might get pushed back in! -via reddit subway, Beijing, China, rush hour...
Just the thought of brownies with a cheesecake swirled into the mix makes me drool. Redditor qwertymodo said, "Every single time I've made cheesecake swirl brownies, I've wanted to do this. I finally did." I'm glad, too!...
[](Video Link)Ever been to a hardball job interview? How about a screw-with-your-head job interview? This funny short film by Marty Hill and Paul Del Vecchio shows one interview that goes wildly...