Archive for July 17th, 2013

It's (Hunger) Clobberin' Time!

This monkey bread is Chris-Rachael Oseland's "edible tribute to Ben Grimm." She made it with mango nectar and mango juice to give it a flavor as sweet as Grimm's personality. You can find her full recipe at the link.Link...

Now That's A Fan Art Mash Up

Artist Heropain created this image of Boba Fett carrying Grumpy Cat and managed to work in about a dozen other geek references from sources as varied as Iron Man, The Wizard of Oz, The Jetsons and Mortal Kombat. How many...

Unfair Judgments

Craig of Victims of Circumsolar webcomic explains the unfair judgments we heap onto people simply by their choice of breakfast: Linkbreakfast, Victims of Circumsolar...

The Walking Ched Will Bring You One Step Closer to Death

It might not be alive, but the Walking Ched burger from Zombie Burger is certainly dangerous. It's also incredibly alluring, featuring not only two beef patties topped with cheddar cheese slices, bacon and macaroni and c...

Fat Heroes

Carlos Dattoli illustrated what happens when super heroes depend on fast food. And donuts. And beer. You know, I've always been suspicious of pants that are wider than they are long; Robin is taking this way too far. Get...

Metallic Alien Insects Ready to Invade Earth

Just kidding. It's actually the chrysalis of the Orange-spotted tiger clearwing (Mechanitis polymnia), as spotted by rubens.luciano on Project Noah: Linkclearwing, metallic, chrysalis...

Enjoy Your Life: Watch a Quarter-million Dominos Fall

[] (YouTube link)It took 12 people eight days to set up 277,275 dominoes. Last Friday, 272,297 of them were toppled at Wilhelm-Lückert Gym in Büdingen, Germany at the Sinners Domino E...

The 15 Most Ridiculous College Application Essay Questions

Peter Jacobs of Business Insider rounded up some of the strangest essay questions that colleges have asked applicants to write about. Here are a couple of oddies from the list:University of Chicago:Have...

Welcome to the Dog Days of Summer

(Video Link)It's Dexter's first pool party and he hasn't yet learned something the rest of us all know -water may be evil, but there's no way to kill it.Via Cute Overloaddog, corgi, pets, video, funny, dexter,...

Tink Lunch Bag

 Tink Lunch BagMake your lunch really pop with the help of your favorite fairy friend. This fantastic bag is designed by artist Romero Britto and features Disney's Tinkerbell. The lunch bag is made of neoprene...

Game of Thrones Nursery Mural

It's never too early for your child to start learning. To help her son learn the sigils of the major houses of Westeros, Tumblr user Some Pointless painted this mural showing adorable versions of them. You can see close-...

The Wizard of Ahhhs

[] (YouTube link)Todrick Hall produced an an all-singing version of The Wizard of Oz using songs you know and love, featuring the awesome a cappella group Pentatonix. -via Tas...

French Winemaker Releases Cola-Flavored Wine

If you have a refined and discerning palette, then Châteaux de Bourdeaux, a vintner in France, may have the perfect wine for you. It tastes like cola:In France, sad to say wine drinking has plummeted in recent year...

Vote for Your Favorite NASA Haiku

The submissions are in, and now it's time for you to vote on your favorite entry in the Message to Mars contest! There are 12,000 entries, which you can sort by current ranking, by search term, or randomly, and vote on t...

Anatol Knotek's Visual Poetry

There's art, there's word art, and then there's word art by Anatol Knotek. The Austrian visual artist has created unique handmade visual poetry (or concrete poetry) book called "Anachronism," with clever compositions:*em...

44 Fictional Character Names Revealed!

[] (YouTube link)The Quaker Oats guy has a name? The cop on the Monopoly board? The Twitter bird? You already knew the names of some of these characters, but I bet you don't know all o...

Questions In Need of Answers

Today, I woke up with some burning questions that need answers. Rather than Google, I thought: Why not put them to the neatoramanaut community, who've got to be smarter than Google's algorithms, right?So here goes:1. The...

Even Malware Hates Aquaman

I have nothing against Aquaman. Really, he has some pretty awesome powers. Even so, he's been the butt of everyone's joke for years now and there doesn't seem to be any sign of that stopping soon.In fact, McAfee recently...

The Table of Thrones

This table contains spoilers! The HBO series Game of Thrones has so many characters, you need a chart to keep up with them -so Christian Petersen made one, in the form of a periodic table. Characters are divided...

Wolverine: The Musical

[](Video Link)The Glove and Boots puppet show is always good, but they've topped themselves with this grand production. See Logan's tale in song, using musical themes from Be...

Captain America vs. Red Skull Salt & Pepper Shakers

Captain America vs. Red Skull Salt & Pepper ShakersAttention Captain America fans. Add a little patriotic flavor to your kitchen with the Captain America vs. Red Skull Salt & Pepper Shakers from the NeatoShop. Th...

Stilettos and Schizophrenia

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research.(Image credit: Flickr user Flavia)by Paul Mackin, MB BS PhD MRCPsychPeter Gallagher, BSc (Hons) MPhilLucy Robinson, BSc (H...

Vigilante Pedestrian Safety

Photo: @lizkaster - via KFnet in T-TownCrossing the street can be quite dangerous, so when the city of Tacoma, Washington, didn't do anything to make it safer for pedestrians, vigilantes took matters into their own han...

The Supermassive Vacuum Cleaner At the Edge of the Known Universe

All we know about the universe is in what is called "the observable universe," because there's much beyond what even the most powerful modern telescopes and data-retrieval systems can detect. And something out there is e...

How to Make a Folding Batarang

I carry a folding multitool, but it isn't as cool as this one that Instructables member Triumphman built. He used an angle grinder to cut the shapes out of steel, then drilled a pivot hole, smoothed and sharpened the edg...

The Death of Chang and Eng, Conjoined Twins Until the Last

We all know the basics of the story of Chang and Eng Bunker, the "Siamese Twins" who toured with freak shows in the 1800s, then settled down as farmers and family men until their deaths. But the details of their last yea...

Prawn Swanson

Prawn Swanson by Matt Wiley Matt Wiley never half-ass two things. He whole-ass one thing: awesome T-shirt designs. Like this one above, which surely belongs in the Pyramid of Greatness somewhere....

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