Spooktacular...History of Horror Hosts is a blog dedicated to the phenomena of the TV horror hosts. These are the local characters who introduced and and led us through old horror films and gave us a feeling of community in watching. They were knowledgable about their subject, funny, scary, and sometimes became famous outside their broadcast area, or even syndicated. In addition to profiles of specific hosts, the site contains articles about horror films and plenty of videos. Is your favorite horror host in there? If not, they will be soon! Link -via Metafilter
Love Halloween and cosplay? Check out our Halloween Blog!
Ooooookay.... I went to the link. I have gone to lots of your links but this one? I don't know what to think about it. It's agonizingly amateurish and, yet, you can tell the blogger loves his (her?) work. I guess there is a site for everyone...
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