Camilla Catrambone's Family Portraits

Do certain objects remind you of your loved ones? Italian photographer Camilla Catrambone decided to create portraits of her family using only objects that they've owned:

'I‘ve always been fascinated by objects, and I think somehow every person is represented by their personal objects, the objects they choose, the ones they are attached to, and the way they use them tells you a story,'

'When I started doing this project, I felt that the objects belonged to my relatives, starting from the ones of my beloved grandparents, were still full of energy and were capable of reminding me moments I shared with them. I started to feel the need to use them to go back to a precise memory. In order to do that I started to reorganize these objects, to recall a specific image I had of that person.

View larger pics at Catrambone's website: Link - via Daily Mail

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Andy Warhol was once asked who his artistic influences were. He answered with "Um... I think everybody influences everybody." Perhaps not, but there is no pure originality in art. We are all products and producers of our environments, artistic or otherwise.
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