This Week at Neatorama

You know, we don't say this often enough, but I feel so grateful to have the community of readers that we do here at Neatorama. I surf a lot of sites, looking for the best of the web to post here. I see comment sections of all kinds -some that are empty, others that are full of trolls, illiterates, and political nut cases. I see communities that appear to be all children, or all people who just want to fight. Then I come back here to Neatoramanauts who I feel like I know, who have varying intelligent opinions expressed in a matter-of-fact, non-threatening way, or puns, or encouragement, or personal stories, or extra information on a post. That makes me feel good. Thank you all for being a part of Neatorama! Here's a look at the things that happened this past week.

Eddie Deezen wrote about It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World: Greatest Slapstick Comedy Ever?

Alex introduce us to Paolo Troilo's Amazing Fingerpainting.

The Forbidden Island came from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.

The Annals of Improbable Research contributed Canine Reactions to the Mona Lisa.

A Brief and Incomplete History of the Swimsuit was from mental_floss magazine.

Hy Conrad brought us another Whodunit, called The Crystal Vanishes.

This week's What Is It? game featured a gadget that turned out to be an old-fashioned crimper for can lids. After many serious and no-so-serious guesses, ladybugs finally had the correct answer. The funniest answer was from Randall, who said,

This is a clock unwinder. In Victorian time it was feared that a clock left wound over the new year eve would cause infertility. The first thing that Victorian men would do on the New Years day was get out of bed to wind and set the clock. THe would then go back to bed and test for infertility. As a result of this pratice the clock unwinder was considered a very risque' item great care was taken to keep it stored descreetly. You can still find them in secret cubbyholes under staircases in older homes, covered with dust, biding their time.

That's good for a t-shirt, too! See the answers to all the mystery items of the week at the What Is It? blog.

We had one featured pet over at Lifestyles of the Cute and Cuddly this week: her name is Zodi, and you can see her here snoozing in the car. Check out that sweet mustache! Send a picture of your pet to to get them on as a featured pet, too!

The post that had the most comments was The Forbidden Island, followed by How to Make an Edible Strawberry Balloon from Strawberries, and for third place, there was a tie between Go to the Vogue Website and Enter the Konami Code and Which Is Better for Grilling: Charcoal or Gas?

The comment of the week was when humblehern suggested the perfect song to go with the Truck Stuck in the Mud post. The video is there for you to enjoy.  

The most popular post of the week by far was The Forbidden Island. Coming in second was US Air Force My Little Pony Patch Is Apparently Real, and Opposite Words came in third.

The most hearted post was The Forbidden Island. Then in second place was A Man and His Duck, with I've Never Related So Much to a Little Piglet in third.

Tied for the most emailed post of the week were The 10 Worst Car Features Ever Made and The Bacon Weave Elvis Sandwich. The Forbidden Island came in third.

All in all, The Forbidden Island was the standout post of the week. Thanks to everyone who passed the link around!

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And as always, if you have any suggestions, feedback, kudos, complaints, or trouble with Neatorama, please let us know! It's our goal to bring you the best of what's neat on Neatorama.

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