Gertie Cleary of Elmsdale, Nova Scotia, saw a raven perched on her fence with porcupine quills stuck in its face. The overly-friendly juvenile raven had a run-in with a porcupine, then made a better choice to let the woman get close. Cleary, wisely wearing gloves, did what she had to do.
The bird, clearly in pain, waited for Cleary to get each one of the quills out. Cleary says she didn’t think twice about helping the animal in distress.
“It reminded me of a child with a splinter and when you pull a splinter out, they holler and screech and pull their hand away,” says Cleary.
Once the quills were out, Cleary carried the bird to her daughter’s house, where she fed him dog food and water.
She let the raven, named Wilfred by the Cleary family, outside the next day, and he hung around for a while before flying off. Let's just hope the bird learned his lesson about porcupines. Link -via Arbroath
Comments (4)
Methinks me spy a typo.