Cartoonist Matt Bors is fed up with writers piling on the younger generation like it's their fault they can't find jobs and move out of their parents' homes. This is just the beginning of an illustrated refutation at CNN. Link -via Metafilter
Cartoonist Matt Bors is fed up with writers piling on the younger generation like it's their fault they can't find jobs and move out of their parents' homes. This is just the beginning of an illustrated refutation at CNN. Link -via Metafilter
Once upon a time the youth of the 1960s were called hippies. "Turn on, tune in, drop out" was the mantra of the day. They joined communes, did drugs, and went to mass marches. They only thought of today, and never tomorrow. People went on TV and wrote long editorials about the death of American culture. It was all Dr. Spock's fault for encouraging permissiveness and an expectation of instant gratification.
Once upon a time the youth were called greasers ... beatniks ... flappers ... the list goes on.
So to the Millennials, welcome to the club. On behalf of history, I apologize. Promise me that in 30 years you won't write the same stories about the next generation?