Archive for July 1st, 2013

Kill Fruit

Kill Fruit by Naolito Those of you lucky enough to have your shirts, take them with you. However, leave the limbs you've lost. They belong to Naolito now. Visit Naolito's official website...

Don't Look Up

This Xenomorph, part of the H.R. Giger 2009 art exhibition in San Sebastian, Spain, is so awesome that the only way to be sure that we can keep humanity safe is to nuke it from orbit. Photo via OrangeHR Gig...

The Empire Strikes Out

Oh, somewhere in this galaxy the stars are shining bright;The cantina band is playing, and somewhere hearts are light,And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;But there is no joy on Naboo - mighty Vad...

Berlin Routemap Cuff

 Berlin Routemap CuffCelebrate your love of Berlin with the Berlin Routemap Cuff from the NeatoShop. This beautiful stainless steel cuff features an etch of the Berlin Liniennetz Routemap. It is a stylish way to alw...

How Big is the Ocean?

[] (YouTube link)How big is the ocean? It's really big! You know it covers more of the Earth's surface than land does, but the exact proportions may surprise you. We don't much about how really...

Pulp Fiction Cross Stitch

Steotch's quaint cross stitch would bring a homey ambiance to any room. It shows Jules Winnfield's manged quote of Ezekiel 25:17 along with a pleasant floral pattern.LinkPulp Fiction, cross stitch...

Life-Size Dexter Cake

Photos: AJ Pilkington/Manicks Productions Ltd. The eight and final season of Dexter will premiere on FOX in the United Kingdom, and to commemorate that event, Miss Cakehead and Annabel de Vett...

Fat Thinker

Photo: HeyItsWilliam/Flickr French sculptor Auguste Rodin casted The Thinker in 1902, so it's time to update the iconic sculpture to reflect modern society's more ... um, bountiful image. Meet the Fat...

The Scifi and Fantasy Currency Converter

How many Bottle Caps is your house worth? How about Septims? Maybe in Creds? Sure, you might not actually be living in Fallout, Skyrim or Judge Dred, but you can still at least figure out how much your Dollars, Euros or...

Swedish Fox Rescued from Pipe

A young fox became stuck in an underground plastic pipe at a construction site in Karlstad, Sweden. The smallest of the responding rescue crew, firefighter Therese Jonasson, went into the pipe head first. She grabbed the...

Botanical Blueprints by Macoto Murayama

Lathyrus odoratus blueprint by Macoto Murayama How would an engineer or an architect go about and design a flower? With blueprints, of course! When he was studying at Miyagi University in...

Wine-Infused Popcorn Makes Snacking So Much More Classy

Can you think of a better name for wine-infused popcorn than Populence? While the company sells a few different flavors, their newest are boozy treats indeed. You can choose between Pinot Noir Drizzle and Sauvignon Blanc...

Inmate Loses Tooth While Breaking up Fight between Two Jail Guards

In 2011, two guards at a jail in Alden, New York got into a fight over a bag of potato chips. A prisoner stepped in between them, trying to stop the fight, and got caught in the barrage of blows. Undersheriff Mark N. Wip...

Andy Martin's Planets

[] (vimeo link)Artist and animator Andy Martin draws an alien every day. In January, he began to populate Planet One. By the end of every month, he has a planet full of strange creatures, accompa...


Bear AnimailsAnimails (sold individually)Are you looking for a sweet treat to send to your favorite overnight camper? Send them a Bear Animails from the Neatoshop. This great little bear can be addressed and shipped...

Seventeenth Century Prosthetic Eye

UPDATE AND CORRECTION 7/2/13: In the comments, Minnesotastan informs us that this is a model of an eye, not a prosthetic. Thanks, Minnesotastan!This impressively detailed prosthetic eye may date to early...

The American Way of Birth, Costliest in the World

Giving birth to a baby in the United States is more expensive than anywhere else in the world. If you don't have health insurance, you'll be on the hook for the billed amount, which is much higher than insurance companie...

May The Wedges Be With You

You see plenty of geek heels out there, but not that many wedges, which is a real shame when you think about it, as the wider heels give you so much more space to show off your nerdy interests. These particular heels are...

Are They Canadian?

Happy Canada Day! In honor of the occasion, mental_floss brings us a celebrity quiz in which you must identify who was born in Canada and who was not. And this quiz doesn't have the easily-identified Canadians like Micha...

Super Tribble Trouble

Super Tribble Trouble by Matt Parsons It's-a-mee, Captain Kirk! Race through the corridors of the Starship Enterprise, beam the whole kit 'n caboodle of tribbles into the Klingon's warbird, and r...

S'More Donut Sandwiches with Beer Marshmallows

Beer and donuts! It's like a meal designed for Homer Simpson. Tieghan used a full bottle of beer for her marshmallow recipe and then placed the marshmallows between sliced graham cracker donuts. This magnificent...

Fun with a Doomed Beard

If you're going to shave your beard off anyway, why not have some fun with it first? Redditor Bartlebad braided it, bleached it, dyed it pink and purple, set it on fire, and cut off various parts to see what it looked li...

Are Those Penguins On Your Back Or Are You Just Cute?

Many caterpillars have markings that look like eyes so they can intimidate predators...this caterpillar has penguins on its back so its cuteness will protect it from predators.Linkpenguins, caterpillars, insects, bugs, c...

Born on the 2nd of July

The following is an article from Uncle John's 24-Karat Gold Bathroom Reader.Pop Quiz: When did America's Continental Congress pass the Declaration of Independence? No, not July 4th. When did they sign it? No...

Tiny Origami Crane Has a 4 Millimeter Wingspan

Using an X-Acto knife, animator Joaquin Baldwin folded a 6 mm sheet of Gampi paper into a crane. He posted it on reddit and then cracked occasionally disturbing jokes in the comment thread that followed.Link -via Twisted...

Mustache Chill Baby Pacifier

Mustache Chill Baby PacifierAdd a hint of sophistication and air an of mystery to your baby with the Mustache Chill Baby Pacifier from the NeatoShop. This hilarious silicone pacifier features a "mustache" design." It is...

Daenerys, Mother of Dragons

She may be a serious bad ass, but that doesn't mean that Daenerys Targaryen and her three baby dragons can't be utterly adorable as well. DeviantArt user kinkei designed this cutie to celebrate her favorite cha...

Dresses as Ghostly Figures

Artist Meg Cowell has a new photo series entitled To The Surface in which she captures images of women's clothing floating in water, on a background of black velvet. The suspended dresses have a beautiful ghostly appeara...

American Flag Pizza

Nothing proclaims 'Merica quite like purple potatoes! Er, I mean, bacon! Bevcooks of Rock Ur Party made this patriotic pizza with bacon, purple potatoes (or, as she calls them, "little blue disks of freedom"), alfredo sa...

The Cake is a Punch Line

Steph sent this story to Cake Wrecks. When her son wanted a cake to celebrate his half-birthday, she told him he could have half a cake. Then she talked to an unnamed person at an unnamed bakery."Think you could make me...

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