[http://youtu.be/m9daxtL90XY] (YouTube link)What sorcery is this? Swedish artist Per Helldorff made this cup-and-ball automaton called The Gambler that takes the place of a carnival huckster. Keep your eye on the ball! F...
The giving tree has made many a youngster cry as the tree gives her all just to please the boy she loves. In tribute of one of the saddest children's books around, Sincerely Stephanie created these fantastic nails based...
When a courthouse in Bradford County, Florida, got a monument based on the Ten Commandments, American Atheists advocacy group sued to get it removed.
But during court-ordered mediation, all parties settled that t...
St. Sweeper is driving out the bunnies and dirt devils! This 8-foot-tall aluminum sculpture is the latest creation from Joel Haas. He tells how the saint came about:St. Sweeper was commissioned as a combination birthday...
The next time you have the occasion to think up a name for a new pet, you could go back, way back, to medieval times and use one of the names people used back then. Many dog and cat names made it into historical records....