Are you kidding me? Independence Day is this coming week? I haven't even bought fireworks yet! The Fourth of July makes us feel like summer is half over, but it's even more so for me, because my kids will start school the first week of August. Yeah, things changed when we got air conditioned schools. I guess we need to start finding some 4th of July trivia and recipes! But before we look forward, let's take a minute to look back on the great week we had here at Neatorama. We wouldn't want you to miss anything! Check out the feature articles from this past week:
Alex brought us the truth about 10 Food Lies We've All Been Fed.
Eddie Deezen looked at Theda Bara, The Movies' First Sex Symbol.
Welcome to The Outer Limits came from Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.
The Annals of Improbable Research gave us Waste Not Want Not: Appendix Transplantation.
Pre-Madonna Prima Donnas: Artists Who Were Full of Themselves was from mental_floss magazine.
Mystery author Hy Conrad presented another Whodunit this week, called The Postman Rings Once. Did you figure out who killed Henry Ligget? Did you recognize who's hands were in the picture? (Those are mine.)
We had two Brainteasers from the BRI this week: They Come at Night and See Me.
Over at Lifestyles of the Cute and Cuddly, our featured pet was Tommy, who belongs to Neatoramanaut William Charnley. Send us a picture of your pet, so we can feature him or her on our pet blog!
We also saw another Tokyoflash Treasure Hunt this week. Congratulations to the winners!
The post with most comments this week was 10 Food Lies We've All Been Fed. Coming in second was The Spinning Egyptian Statue and Jokes Only Smart People Can Understand is in third place.
The most popular post was 10 Food Lies We've All Been Fed, followed by The Homer Car and The Movies' First Sex Symbol.
The most ♥s went to Government Officials Won't Add a Wheelchair Ramp to Their Building, So Paraplegic Man Builds Them One. That was followed by Cat Earns Her Keep as Foster Mother, and A Limitless Supply of Pandas was third.
The most emailed post was 10 Food Lies We've All Been Fed. I believe it set a record for the most emails! Coming in second was Party Hats on Surveillance Cameras to Celebrate the Birthday of George Orwell, and third place was a tie between Mitchiri Neko March and Jokes Only Smart People Can Understand.
In the What Is It? game this week, the mystery item is a set of tongs, but these are specially purposed for handling hops during the beer making process. No one guessed that until after the answers were posted, and then ladybugs jumped in with the correct answer, so she wins a t-shirt from the NeatoShop! The funniest answer this week came from Sunfall, who said,
It's the first face hugger prototype. Man, they wasted three actresses before hitting on the idea that making it from unyielding metal might not be such a good idea after all... But hey, that's why now we have Sigourney Weaver, so be thankful for the little thingamajig!
That's good for a t-shirt, too! See the answers to all this week's mystery items at the What Is It? blog.
The NeatoShop is having a sale this week on Zoobies. Zoobies are adorable plush toy, soft pillow, and warm blanket rolled into one -a perfect baby shower gift. Check out the selection at the NeatoShop!
Remember, we have extra content and fun at our Facebook page every day. Check out or boards at Pinterest, too! You are also invited to follow Neatorama on Twitter and Instagram. And mobile users: Flipboard makes it easy to keep up with Neatorama.
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