Twitter Map of Hate

Haters gonna hate and Geography professor Monica Stephens of Humboldt State University in California gonna place 'em on a map. Stephens and a team of undergrads spent a year sorting through geotagged tweets that contain homophobic and racial slurs to come up with this Twitter "map of hate".

Stephens wrote in this post over at Floating Sheep:

Using DOLLY to search for all geotagged tweets in North America between June 2012 and April 2013, we discovered 41,306 tweets containing the word ‘nigger’, 95,123 referenced ‘homo’, among other terms. In order to address one of the earlier criticisms of our map of racism directed at Obama, students at Humboldt State manually read and coded the sentiment of each tweet to determine if the given word was used in a positive, negative or neutral manner. This allowed us to avoid using any algorithmic sentiment analysis or natural language processing, as many algorithms would have simply classified a tweet as ‘negative’ when the word was used in a neutral or positive way. For example the phrase ‘dyke’, while often negative when referring to an individual person, was also used in positive ways (e.g. “dykes on bikes #SFPride”). The students were able to discern which were negative, neutral, or positive. Only those tweets used in an explicitly negative way are included in the map.

All together, the students determined over 150,000 geotagged tweets with a hateful slur to be negative. Hateful tweets were aggregated to the county level and then normalized by the total number of tweets in each county. This then shows a comparison of places with disproportionately high amounts of a particular hate word relative to all tweeting activity. 

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Yeah- that laugh for the last question was good.
I've been trying to think what I'd ask a slave- and I really don't know. Most questions are going to sound ignorant.
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