A classic skit. Some people have no idea how offensive they are until you turn it around on them. And the real kicker is that turning it around often doesn't even get the point across. -via Daily Picks and Flicks
A classic skit. Some people have no idea how offensive they are until you turn it around on them. And the real kicker is that turning it around often doesn't even get the point across. -via Daily Picks and Flicks
So I turned to him and said "Are you asking where I'm living now? Where in the US I was born and grew up? Or where my parents are from? I'm appreciate some clarification - your question is rather ambiguous."
At which point he got a rather unhappy look on his face, pointed me down the line, and grumbled "Go on."
Most of the time, though, I realize this isn't coming from a bad place. Someone's either genuinely interested, or trying to make small talk. I don't take any offense, and just tell them "My parent's are from [insert-country-here].". It gives them the information they're looking for, while gently telling them I'm an American without making them feel bad for asking.
And to Clippy: The TSA is an abomination.
The worst was, when at the Airport some African American woman demanded (not asked) that I provide more toilet paper in the restroom. I pointed out my suitcase, and tried as nicely as I could to tell her that I am a traveler just like her, and there is toilet paper in another bathroom stall.
And yes, TSA is an abomination.